Dating Marlene McKinnon

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Requested by _cxnstellqtions. I'm kinda basing this off of the Marls in her book Astronomy ( which y'all should definitely check out) so here ya go.

Also, quick reminder, I use she/her pronouns in my imagines, but you can change them up if you want. If you request an imagine, feel free to leave the pronouns you want me to use y/n.


Marlene is probably one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. BUT, she will not hesitate to go all evil on someone if they do something to you or say something bad about you.

She is such a photography fan ( dw, me too),and nobody can convince me otherwise.

She loves taking photos of you and will force you to go outside and take pictures if the sky looks pretty.

She keeps all of the pictures she takes of you in a binder each year, and gives it to you on your birthday. It's basically a tradition.

 It's basically a tradition

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Malrene LOVES the arcade. Like, she will stay there for hours on end if she has the time to.

She is very competitive and will have a competition with you to see who can win the most games. She wins most of the time, but sometimes you distract her with some food and win extra games.

Yk the race car game, like the one in Wreck It Ralph. Yeah, this girl R.A.G.E.S at that game. You fr had to drag her out of the arcade cuz' she was causing a scene and drawing attention.

Yeah, you didn't let her play that game after that.

Marlene is probably on of the most protective out of all HP girls

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Marlene is probably on of the most protective out of all HP girls. ( she may be behind Ginny tho)

She loves the feeling of knowing your safe and protected, therefore, she will guard you with her laugh.

She will always be big spoon. It makes her sleep better when your in her arms, and knowing your okay comforts her.

 It makes her sleep better when your in her arms, and knowing your okay comforts her

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( Wow Abbie, you've never done that before lol)

Marlene smiled as she wrapped a big book in wrapping paper.

It was your birthday and Marlene couldn't me more excited. She knew you weren't one for big parties with a lot of people, so she planned a simple movie night with ice cream.

Once she was done, she hid the present in her closet and went to search the castle for you. Eventually, she caught a glimpse of y/h/c hair and walked towards you and sat next to you.

You looked over to her and smiled, " Hey Marls!"

" Hey honey, happy birthday."

" Thank you." You said.

" What are you doing out here, it almost pastko curfew," Marlene asked.

" I was gonna watch the sunset if you wanna do it with me."

" Sounds good. I have something planned afterwards."

" Ok," you answered curiously.

So there you two sat, watching the sun go down and the sky slowly go from a deep orange to a dark blue. It was the epitomy tranquil.

Fast foward half an hour, the two of you were walking towards Marlene's dormitory.

As she opened the door and you both walked in, she said, " I was thinking we could have a chill movie night. I know your not a big fan of big celebrations."

You threw you arm arounder he middle and hugged her tightly, " Thank you! Thank you!"

" Anything for you sweetheart. Now, let me get your present."

She handed you the present, and you tore the wrapping paper off like a little kid on Christmas. Inside was a big photo album with pictures of the two of you.

You gasped, " Marls, this is amazing, thank you! Wait," you paused, looking up at her and squinting your eyes suspiciously," where did you get these? Your in most of the pictures so you couldn't have taken them."

" Don't question it. Anywho, what movie do you wanna watch?"

Y'all sat down on the floor, cover in blankets and pillows. She sat back against the couch and you put you head in her lap, your legs going sideways. ( I don't if that makes sense, but I can't think of a better way to describe it)

You search throgh the movies and picked The Princess Bride. ( Because its the best romance movie ever, sue me).

As you watch the movie intently, Marlene played with your hair and stared at you in adoration.

She couldn't think of a better life.


Marlene, marry me please

Once again, I'm not very good with the Mauraders so feel free to leave tips for them

Hope y'all like it, stay safe and stay wierd, love ya


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