J.P and a Ruined Anniversary

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A request by JulzLovDraco4Eva. Hope you enjoy!

I  hope you don't mind that I changed it up just a tad so that it wasn't too long.


It was you and James' 2nd anniversary and he had planned an amazing prank on Severus to do with you.

It was a simple prank, putting a slime bucket on a door and waiting for the victim to open it. It was simple, but classic and iconic aswell.

So, there you and James were, standing around a corner with your eyes trained on the door for an unsuspecting Severus.

The door creaked open and out walked a fellow 7th year with greasy black hair. This black hair was quickly covered in bright green slime, dripping down his clothes and off his large nose.


You looked at James and both of you quickly bolted away, running through the hallways as quick as you with Snape running after you two.

Professor McGonagall stepped out of her hallway to investigate the yelling and quick footsteps, only to be met with a slime covered Snape chasing you and James.

She sighed before calling after the three, " Snape! Potter! Y/l/n! My office, now!"

After some yelling, James lunging towards Snape only to be help back my you, false accusation, and stern talking from McGonagall, you and James now sat in detention.

You were quite pissed with this. But overall, you disappointed with the fact that you would spend the rest of you anniversary in detention doing absolutely nothing.

Dropping your head in your hands, you frowned in boredom.

James noticed your saddened state, " I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to get us in trouble."

" It's alright, you didn't mean to," you answered, lifting your head up to give him a smile.

"Welo, since Minnie's gone,"  he pulled a basket from his pocket, " May I take you on a date, m'lady."

"It would be an honor, kind sir."

James set a blanket on the floor and the two of you at on it.

"How did you even take this out of your pocket," you questioned.

"Ask no questions and I shall tell no lies."

The two of you laughed and ate food for an hour and half. Talking of memories of your relationship in the past 2 years. Giving sappy speeches of how much you adore each other. Fighting over who loved the other most.

With 30 minutes left of detention, James cleaned everything up and the two of you sat at the desk you were supposed to sit in the whole time.

When McGonagall walked into detention to dismiss you, she saw an unusual yet normal sight.

Your head rested on James' shoulder, your eyes closed showing you were inevitably asleep. James  had his head propped on his hand, his eyes scanning you face.

"Your free to leave, Mr. Potter," she announced, making James turn his head towards her.

"Alright, Minnie! Thanks for having us. Same time next week? Bye," he picked you up bridal style and walked to his dorm, leaving a baffled yet grinning McGonagall.


If I ever make a James fic, this scene shall be in it

I'm on Thanksgiving break now which means more time to right :)

Love y'all, have a fun Thanks


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