M.R when y/n was just shifting

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A request by Nnnnothinggggg

I made it way sadder that you probably wanted it sry


You and Mattheo fell in love, but secrets were yet to be discovered.

That wasn't your universe.

You didn't belong in Hogwarts. You belonged in the place where Hogwarts was a figment of everyone's imagination. Not a place where they learned spells land fell in love with a black haired Slytherin.

"Mattheo? Can we talk," you asked as you walked into his dormitory.

"Yeah?," He said hesitantly. He sat on his bed and gestured for you to do the same thing.

You sat across from him and took a deep breath.

"I have to leave."

"What?! But- what the fuck? You look so happy though and that everything was going fine."

"Not because I don't wanna be with you. I'm not from here, Mattheo," you stated solemnly. "Not from this castle. From this world. I'm not from this universe."


"I'm gonna wake up soon, and we'll never see each other again."

"No! No you can't leave me!"

Your grabbed his hand.

And he tried not cry.

He tried so damn hard.

But it didn't work.

Tears streamed down his face, heavy and uncontrolled breathed made his chest rise up and fall down quickly and rapidly. He stared at your hand his.

His sobs grew louder the hand slowly faded away and when he looked up; you weren't there anymore.

And he sobbed all night.

Because his love was gone.


Yeah, that was short af but holy shit I actually kidna like it

How's y'all's day goin. Feel free to vent or say something nice about your day. Either is completely fine and valid <3


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