G.W on Valentine's day

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It's Ginny, not George sry lol


"Come on, Y/n! I have a surprise for you," Ginny exclaimed.

She was pulling you out of the courtyard by the wrist, while yelling at you to hurry up.

She came to a stop at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. She looked at you, smiled, and held your hand firmly.

"Just in case you're scared," she teased.

"I'm not scared, Gin."

"Yeah, I know. I just needed an excuse to hold your hand."

She slightly laughed at the blush that spread across your face, before walking into the forest.

You were met with a hundred glowing butterflies, some flying around and others resting on the trees and bushes. A white blanket lay on the floor, a few candles in the center.

You both sat down on the blanket, your eyes wandering around and your mouth wide open at the beautiful sight.

"I thought you'd like," Ginny shrugged. "Simple but nice, just up our alley."

"I didn't even know glowing butterflies existed."

"They didn't. I got 'Mione to teach me how to cast a glowing charm, and I asked Neville to help me catch a bunch of butterflies. And boom. Glowing butterflies."

"They're so cool!"

"I'm glad you like it. You know that you'll like even more."

"A kiss," you asked.

Ginny shrugged, leaned over and kissed quickly. When she pulled away, she said," Not what I had in mind, but I'm always down for a kiss. But, now for what I actually wanted to give you."

She handed you a small, pink box.

You took it and opened it slowly, your eyes widening at the bracelet inside. A simple, silver bracelet with the words 'You'll always be my d Darling' engraved in it with a pretty cursive font.

"That's my hand-writing actually," she stated. "It took me a while to write it because I was so excited that I kept messing up."

You both laughed as you slipped it onto your wrist.

"Thanks, Gin. It's beautiful," you thanked.

You took out your wand and conjoured up a bigger box, "It's pretty big, but I'll just levitate it into your dorm later."

Ginny stood up and opened the box.

Inside was a wall length mirror, a fancy, golden frame around it.

On the top, a cute little note was written on the mirror in what appeared be a dark blue marker.

I don't even think Picasso could paint all the beauty you have. Inside and out


"It's amazing!"

"The notes change everyday. I figured since you're not much of a morning person, it would be nice to wake up to something nice every morning," you explained.

"Oh my gosh," she pulled you up by the hand and pulled you into a tight hug.

"Thank you," she whispered into your ear as she continued to hug you.

"Of course."

"Come here," she pulled you in front of the mirror.

So there you both stood, hand in hand. The silver bracelet handing on the wrist of the hand she was holding.

"I ain't ever seen two pretty best friends," she started.

"They always gotta be dating."


Ginny owns my to heart- sry for anyone who thought it would be George ╥﹏╥


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