T.N when his friend flirts with Y/n

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An imagine for b1tchcrxft , y'all should definitely go check out their oneshot book because it is beautiful

Also, if you want this imagine on a different topic, feel free to ask

Also, also, I guess this kinda counts as SA but idk, so I'll put a ⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️  here


You walked into the Slytherin common room, heading up to the dormitories to find Theodore. You were heading up there quite quickly, as you guys were gonna watch a movie together, but you were stopped by Draco.

"Oh, hey Dray," you greeted kindly. You were pretty good friends with all of Theo's friends.

"Hey, Y/n! You look beautiful," he complimented with a smirk.

"Thank you," you hesitated, quickly glancing at the sweatpants and black hoodie, both belonging to your boyfriend. "Not trying to be rude or anything, but I told Theo I would hang out this afternoon, so could you move?"

"But you're so pretty," he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer.

Fortunately, Theodore was walking down the steps to make sure you were ok, seeing as it wasn't often that you were late.

"What the fuck, Draco! Let go," you shouted.

Theodore ran forward and pushed him off you and onto the floor. "Fuck off, Malfoy," he yelled as he kicked the blonde in the nose.

Theo grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs to his room. When he got there, he closed the door behind him.

He grabbed your shoulders and held you and arms width away from him. He ran his eyes all over your body, checking for bruises or anything of the sort.

"Did he do anything," he asked sternly and protectively.

"No you got there before he could," you said gratefully, earning a sigh of relief from the boy.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight," he stated, hugging you tightly.

You laughed lightly, and he pulled you over to the couch in his dorm.

"Now let's watch a movie."

He turned a movie on (I shall always use The Princess Bride as an example because it's my favorite movie ever) and made sure you were close to him.

He smiled when you fell asleep, your head in his lap and your face dug into his abdomen.

"Love you, Y/n."

"Love you too," you mumble, half asleep.

He laughed slightly and then began to play with your hair (or the hem of your shirt if you don't have hair/don't show it).

"Draco is so dead."


Hope you liked, lemme know any requests you guys want me to write <3

Love you all, drink some water, eat something, and look in the mirror and remind yourself of how fucking hot you are. ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ


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