M.R When Y/n is Scared of Storms

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A request from randombeaaach.

It's hurt and comfort, so you know what that means....... This is gonna be a blast to write :) Although, it might be kinda hard because I really like thunderstorms lol. Enjoy!


It was't the rain you hated.

Nor was it the fact that the lights kept flickering.

You just never liked loud noises, especially when they came out of nowhere with no warning. That's what you despised.

It was currently thunderstorming, and Mattheo couldn't find you. He checked your room, the library, great hall. He just couldn't seem to see you anywhere.

He decided to look in his room, as you often sat in there waiting for him when he was busy. So he quickly walked through the Slytherin common room and up the stairs towards his dorm.

When he opened his dorm, he was met with you.  Your knees were tucked into your chest, and your head was in your knee. Your hands covered your ears. Your sobs echoed throughout the room and Theo could see your hands shaking.

"Love? Hey, what's wrong ?!"

He moved towards you, confusion and concern painting his face.

"Y/n, what's wrong," he asked.

Your head snapped and Mattheo saw the tears streaming down your cheeks.

" It- it's loud."

"Ohh, okay, give me a second," he said, getting idea and pacing to his closet. In there's he grabbed a hoodie off a hanger, a dark green one, and a pair of Bluetooth ear-buds. ( Yes Ik, they didn't exist, but just go with it.)

Walked back of to you, he looked sadly at your shaking state.

He knew you hated loud noises, he should've known this storm would effect you badly. He should've been there. It made him feel guilty, but he pushed his thought from his brain and sat in front of you on the bed.

"Here you go, m'love," he said, handing you the hoodie. He slightly smiled when he saw you quickly put it on and smile softly.

"And, there we go," he said, putting one of the ear-buds in your ear, and putting the other in his.

He turned on music using his phone. He played the playlist he always played when the two of you hung out together.


"Yeah, thank you."

"No worries love, it's my duty," he commented with a smirk.

The two of you did that for the rest of the night. Your head found a comfortable spot in his lap as you slowly fell asleep.

Mattheo watched you sleep peacefully, finally allowing him to fully smile now that you were asleep.

"Goodnight m'love."


That was short but cute

Sorry for not posting Sunday! I was super busy through the weekend. Also, huge apologies, but I won't be able to posted another chapter like promised, seeing it hurts to move my finger. YAY :|

Love y'all, never let anyone get you down, your all amazing


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