Dating Harry Potter

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Requested by apocqlypticcrvsh.




He's so used to people being taken away from him and only being liked because he the 'choosen one'. So when he started dating you, and he began trusting you fully, he loved showing you off to the rest of the world.

He would hold  hands with you constantly. Like, to the point that people thought you were mad at each other if you weren't.

Harry seems like the kind of person who enjoys traveling and exploring

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Harry seems like the kind of person who enjoys traveling and exploring.

He likes to go different places to remind himself that there's still good in the world that hasn't been infested with the evils he's had to face.

He'd bring you with him on most of these adventures. But he'd keep to VERY close and safe, because yk.... protective Harry supremecy.

Continuing on with the previous, this dude is protective af

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Continuing on with the previous, this dude is protective af. As stated earlier, he's used to the people close to him dying or getting hurt, so he persistent in making sure it doesn't happen to you.

Harry always needs to where you are. Alot of people think it controlling and toxic, but you know that it's just because he needs to know your safe. I feel like he would have really bad separation anxiety.

When cuddling, this dude protects you with his life. He'll always want to be big spoon (unless he's sad) and will hold you so tightly yet comforting.


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(Ps: there is teachnology in this, just go with it, k?)

"Oi, Potter."

Harry inhaled, "What Malfoy?"

"Where's your precious little girlfriend?"

"She's in the library," Harry replied confidently.

"Are you sure? You never know what could be happening to her," Draco said.

Harry knew Malfoy was trying to get under his skin and bother him, but even as he rolled his eyes and walked away, he couldn't help but worry. So, he decided to make sure you were alright and walk to the library.

Walking in, he scanned the book filled room, and his eyes landed on you. He quickly moved towards to, pulling up a chair and sitting next to you.

"Thank Merlin," he muttered under his breath unhearablre.

"Hey love, whatcha' doing," you asked.

"Just thought I would spend time with you," he put his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Are you alright? You look worried," you question concerningly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed to make sure you were ok."

"Oh, well I'm fine. You can stay here with me if you'd like. Or we can up to your dorm and relax," you offered.

"Yeah, that's be nice."

So, the two of you walked to his dorm hand in hand. Harry was glad you didn't judge him for his worries, and instead helped him with them.

Harry opened the door and walked inside. He gathered blankets from his closet and set them up on the couch.

He sat down and quickly pulled you into his lap with him, wrapping a fuzzy blanket around the two of you. He turned on a movie, we'll say The Greatest Showman ( because it's amazing!).

" Thank you, darling. I appreciate it, more than you know."

"It my pleasure darling. I love you."

"I love you too."


Does anyone know where I can find a Harry, I can't find any on Amazon :(

Love you guys <3


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