Dating Neville Longbottom

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A request by lemonii-

I'm going to attempt to not do stereotypes, but what I think may be similar to them. Enjoy!


Let me just say something straight before we get started.

Neville is the purest boy in the whole H.P fandom. Fight me.

As well all know, Neville adores plants and greenery. Maybe not as much as he loves you, but it's definitely 2nd place.

He loves having you help him in the greenhouse, even if means he gets distracted by you.

He loves staring at you when you help him. Dirt on your hands and face and your hair ties up messily. He could stare at it all day.

He would often teach you about all the plants there, and smiled happily you asked questions and looked at him intently to show your listening.

He would often teach you about all the plants there, and smiled happily you asked questions and looked at him intently to show your listening

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Running and dancing in the rain?

Frick yeah!

He loves dancing in the rain with you, hand in hand as he spun you around. He couldn't care less that he was getting soaked, all he can ever focus on is the love of his life in front of him.

I don't about you guys, but Nev just seems like the person who LOVES art

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I don't about you guys, but Nev just seems like the person who LOVES art.

He would take you on dates to an art museum and the two of you would decipher the meaning of each painting.

He loved making happy backstories for each one, and when the two of you were laying in bed together, he would tell them to you to soothe you to sleep.

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*Collective gasp*
I'll go now

You and Neville were walking around the castle, your hand in his. 

Neither of you had anything planned, or any intentions for the spontaneous walk, but you had nothing better to do and it sounded lovely.

Until.... it sounded like rain. And thundeing.

Rain poured down on top the two of you and BOOM your soaked.

You both looked at each other and started laughing. Neville looked at you once again, and took a step back, seeing as you were super close.

He bowed down and outstretched his hand, " May I?"

You took his hand, he pulled you close, and he began to slightly sway back and forth.

This went on for a while, until he noticed the small shivering coming from you and your flushed cheeks.

"You wanna sleep in my room tonight,' he asked.

"Yeah, of course."

He headed up to his room with you, as you continued to shake from the freezing cold rain.

Once he entered his dormitory, he rushed to his closet and pulled out a pastel green hoodie and handed it to you, " Here angel, you look like you're about to freeze into a popsicle."

This earned a laugh from you, in which Neville smiled.

After you changed into his hoodie, he sat on the bed and opened his arms.

" Wanna cuddle? It may warm you up a bit."

Nodding, you layed next to him and he wrapped his arms around you. Your head layed on his chest and his head layed on the top of your head.

As much as it may seem like a cliché movie, that's how your love was.

A romance movie.

And Neville didn't want it any other way.


I actually love this ngl..... Nev is so precious

Feel free to leave any requests you have, and I mean if you wanna spam me with them, do it lol

Hope you all liked it! Love you all, guys, gals, Nonbinary pals, and those who preferred not to be labeled <3


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