Y/n's talk with Sirius

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So, if you read the last imagine, then you would no that Y/n had a "conversation" with Sirius once he started dating Regulas. I asked y'all, and you guys said you wanted me to write that  "conversation" so here it is ~~>

Y/n/n = Your nickname


Remus John Lupin.

Your brother from another mother.

You had always been closest to Remus then the other mauarders. The two of you had similar personalities, more soft-spoken unless needed to be otherwise.

Since he was a year older then you, he was very protective, treating you like his little sister. You never minded it and often returned the favor. Standing up for him when people made fun of him for his scarred face or helping him after full moons.

So, when you heard that he was dating none other than Sirius Black, you had heavily mixed emotions.

For one, you were excited, as you knew that Sirius loved him dearly. You saw the way the two looked at each other and how they were definitely more flirty and touchy than normal friends.

On the other hand, you were furious and nervous. Yes, you were best friends with Sirius, but you knew that he had a tendency to break hearts.

When you saw him in the hall after classes, probably on his way to pranks somebody with James, you wanted to make sure he won't hurt your honorary Brother.

" Padfoot!" You yelled.

He quickly turned his head, smiling and running up to you.

" Yeah Y/n/n?"

You smiled innocently, gesturing for him to come closer. He walked closer, hoping you had a good prank idea.

He was indeed wrong.

You backed him up into the closest wall, keeping your hands on his shoulders. His back hit the wall, and quiet grunt coming from the boy.

" What the hell Y/n!" He exclaimed.

" I'm gonna make this sweet and simple. If you hurt Moony or break his heart, I swear to Merlin I will beat you to the next Wizarding World."

Sirius eyes widened, " I'm not gonna hurt Moony, I promise. I love him to pieces, I'm not gonna do anything, ok?"

You eyes him suspicously, " I'm gonna keep an eye on you."

He gasped sarcastically, " You really don't trust me Y/n/n? Zero faith, honestly!"

You let go of his shoulders, " As long as you keep your promise, then I'll trust you. Break your promise, and I'll throw you and that trust out the window."

Sirius gulped and nodded. You backed away, your sweet and innocent smile came back on your face. " I'm off to study with Reggie, bye," she said, walking off leaving a flabbergasted Sirius.

Around 10 minutes later, Sirius had enter the common room, eyes still wide.

" What's wrong mate?" James asked.

Sirius looked Remus right in the eye, " Y/n's scary."


Kinda short ik but i kinda like it

Anywhoo....  Make sure to leave any requests you have.  I'm getting back into writing regularly so updates and requests should be more frequent.

-Abbie. <3

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