The Mauraders when Y/n dates Reggie

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Sorry I haven't been very active lately, I started school on Wednesday and been trying to find a schedule that works for me.

Anywhooo.... This was requested shxxtiingstqrs. Enjoy!


Just to explain a bit, Y/n is one of the mauraders, and this is how they react when y/n starts dating Regulas Black. I'm gonna be using the pronouns she/her for Y/n but feel free to change them up as you wish.

Disclamer- This imagine includes Wolfstar, sorry if you don't like that.

Theres also a few swear words lol.


You have been best friends with James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius since beggining of your first year.  You became friends when your pranked them before they could prank you, as you were in a year below them. You guys called your group the Mauraders, and are basically inseperable.

Since you were year younger then the boys, they saw you like a little sister. All of them were extremely protective of you, defending you whenever needed

You had the best friendship with Remus, as he was very similar to you. ( sorry if this doesn't match up with you.) The two of you could often be found in the common room, him reading to you, helping you with homework, or playing Wizard's Chess.

You were also friends with Sirius's brother, Regulas.

Well that's what the rest of Mauraders thought.

What they didn't know, or need to know, was that the 2 if you were dating, and have been for the past 5 months.

Of course, the other Maurader had some suspicions, picking up on the blushy face and messy hair you would have when coming to class. Or how you spent way more time with Regulas then normal.

It was a weekend, and Regulas had asked you to to go with him to The 3 Broomsticks to get butterbeers. You, of course, agreed. ( I mean, who wouldn't)

You had gotten dressed, wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans as winter was approaching, and made your way to the great hall.

Once, Regulas had gotten there, you walked hand in hand to Hogsmeade.

In all honesty, the two of you weren't trying to keep you relationship secret. You had showed PDA quite often, people were just yet to catch on.

Until, Remus noticed the both of you holding hands and walking together. He nudged Sirius, who quickly looked towards him ( simp), and pointed towards you.

Sirius gasped and swiftly whispered to James, who whispered to Peter. The four boys agreed to follow you two, without you knowing of course.

Once you and Regulas had gotten to The 3 Broomstick, he told you to go sit down while he got Butterbeers. You complied, sitting down in a booth in the back, your every move being watched by the 4 boys who took a seat in the booth behind yours.

When Regulas got back with drinks, he sat it down infront of you. You kissed his cheek in appreciation before he sat down across from you.

When Sirius saw this he immeadiatly stood up, Remus attempted to stop him, but James insisted to let Sirius handle it unless they need to step. ( its Sirius, of course they're gonna have to step in)

You saw Sirius walk over and braced yourself for what was to come ( thats sounds dramatic, but once again, were talking about Sirius ).

" Are two on a date?!" Sirius asked with a raised voice. Remus and Peter face palmed, while James was watching intently as if it was a 5 star movie.

"Yes?" Regulas asked as if it was obvious, which it kinda was. " Wait! Were you spying in us?!"

" Not important.  Is this like..... Your first date?" Sirius questioned.

"Well... actually we've been dating for a while now." Regulas anwered.

" Five months to be exact." You clarified. ( wrong move Y/n, wrong move.)

Now it was the James's, Remus's, and Peter's turn to stand up.

"WHAT!" The 4 boys all yelled at the same time.

" 5 MONTHS!" James yelled.

" Umm..... Yes?" Regulas stammered, getting kinda nervous.

" And did I say you two could date?" Sirius asked, crossing his arms like a toddler being told no.

" I never did this to you when you started dating Remmy!" You said.

" Actually you did. You backed me into a  wall with your wand to my neck and fucking threatened me!" He yelled defensively.

" I was just making sure you didn't hurt him." You stated.

" Well then I'm allowed to the same thing!" Sirius said back.

Remus turned to you and asked, " He hasn't done anything bad to hurt you, has he Y/n."

" HEY! That's my little brother your talking about." Sirius defended.

You chuckled before answering, " No he hasn't. In fact, he's a big softie when he's with me." This earned a laugh from Peter and a glare from Regulas.

The boys eyed eachother, and then huddled together whispering.

" They really think they can stop us fron dating?" Regulas asked jokingly with his eyebrows raised.

" They sure do."

" Were not going to break up if they say so, right?" he said, worry evident his voice.

" Of course not Reggie," you quickly assuree him, "  nothing will break us apart." ( oh jesus that was sappy)

" Ok," said James once the boys has finished there whispering, " we have decided that you two can date as long as you don't hurt her."

" But," Sirius started," as his older brother, you can't hurt him either."

" Neither of us are gonna hurt each other." You declared.

"Promise?" Peter said. 

" Promise." You and Regulas both said at the same time.

" Well then it's settled, you two can date." James said.

The 4 boys departed the pub, Sirius and Remus more hesitantly, leaving you and Regulas to finish your date peacefully.


Sorry this took so long, I've super busy.

I'm kinda cringing at this writing ngl

Also, who wants me to write the imagine for your conversation with Sirius when he started dating Moony.

-Abbie <3

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