R.L when y/n helps him clean his wounds

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This was requested by EliseHoracek. Enjoy!

     You found out that Remus was a werewolf a few months ago, and you had done anything and everything before and after full moons to help. Remus wasn't a fan of this at all, not wanting you to worry about him, but you assured that him the it was no problem.

     It was currently November 25, 1977, which was, unfortunately, a full moon. Remus was with James, Sirius, and Peter at the Shrieking Shack transforming.

    You on the other hand, not being an animagus, sat in the boys dormitory rather impatiently. Even if it was late, almost 4 in the morning, you stayed awake, collecting all of the things needed to heal him.

     Ever since the other mauraders joined him during fullmoons, it wasn't necessary to take him to the Hospital Wing. You, being the awesome partner you were, knew how to heal scratches and such, so you were capable of healing him.

     After getting stuff together, you sat at the desk, working on Remus's homework, knowing the he would be tired when he came back. This was also something to do to keep you awake, as tiredness was attempting to penetrate your body.

    Just as you were finishing an essay for transfiguration, the door swung open and you were met with a very bloody Remus, being supported by Sirius and James, Peter trailing behind.

     You immediately got up from your seat and ran over, helping them put Remus on his bed, propping his head up on the head board.

    He had a cut down his cheek onto his jaw, and bruises scattered his arms. Luckily the other boys were uninjured, meaning you could solely focus on Remus.

    " We're gonna go down to the common room while you help him," James stated.

    " Will you cone get us when he's all healed?" Peter asked.

    " Of course, thank you for helping him," you said, already applying something to a bruise on Remus's left forearm.

     " It's no problem Y/n, we're glad to help," Sirius said walking out, the other 2 boys following, stealing glances at there injured friend.

    You continued to heal the bruises, putting  ointment on them, making them  fade away. You were talking to Remus as you healed him, trying to distract him from the pain.

    " Did the boys do anything silly in there animal form this time?" You questioned while finishing up the last bruise.

     " Nothing too out of the ordinary, although James did attempt to impale Sirius with his antlers," he replied with a slight chuckle.

    " And how did that work out?"

     " Not well, Sirius moved out of the way just in time, Prongs ended up getting his antlers stuck in a tree."

     You both laughed as you got out a rag and put a healing potion on it. Cuts on the face were always the most painful to heal so you were dreading this.

     " This may hurt a little love, you can squeeze my hand if you want to." You said.

     Remus nodded, taking your left hand in his as you slowly dabbed the blood away from his cheek, slowly and carefully making your way down the cut. You could feel his hand tightining around yours, Remus wincing every once in awhile.

     Once you were finished, you lightly kissed the cut, " All done. Now you need to rest."

     " What would I do with out you m'love?" he asked.

    " Hopefully, you'll never have to find out."


There ya go, hope you liked it. Sorry it took me a while, I've been kinda busy.

-Abbie <3

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