F.W when cuddling

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EliseHoracek asked for a Weasley twin imagine. Hope you like it.


Fred loved affection.

Holding hands.



Anyway that he could show how much he loved you.

Especially touch as it was his love language.

So when he came back fron detention late at night, he wanted nothing more than to hold you. He entered his room expecting you to be asleep, wrapped in blankets and lightly snoring.

What he didn't expect was for you to be sitting on his bed, legs crossed, with headphones on.

He thought it was the cutest thing ever. Your head bobbing up and down, and lip synching the words. ( That is exactly what I'm doing while writing this lol)

Once you spotted Fred, you paused it, taking your headphones.

" How was detention Freddie," you asked smiling.

" Same as always. Now turn the music on, pleeasseee!" He pleaded.

You unplugged your headphones and turned music back on.

Eventually, you and Fred's song turned on, As the World Caves in,  (Yes I know that song didn't exist back then, but lets pretend.) He took you by hand and pulled you off the bed, pulling you close.

And that is how you and Fred spent the next 2 minutes and 42 seconds. Dancing, singing, blocking out any problems focusing solely on eachother.

" I'm pooped, Fred sighed, flopping down on the bed, bringing you down with him. You nuzzled you head into his chests while laying on top of him, his arms wrapped around your waist.

" Freddie?" You said, lifting you head so that your chin was on his chest.

" Yes darling." He said in his sleepy voice. (yeah, thats hot.)

" I love you." You said. ( Cliché moment)

Fred smiled and looked down at you, " I love you too darling. Always have, and always will. Everything about you."

And that was the last thing you heard before you were hauled into a deep sleep, his cinnamon smell filling your dreams of your boyfriend.


Hope you liked! Little shorter than normal but I couldn't think of anything else to add.

That is all requests I have lined up, so make sure to request anything you want to see.

Hope y'all have a lovely day/night!

-Abbie <3

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