T.N when Y/n has the dark mark

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Requested by my bae faerylustre

Trigger warning: self harm, read at your own discretion


Theodore had the mark, and he of course told you a few weeks after it happened.

You though? You didn't tell him. Him having it was stressing him out enough and you having it would probably drive him insane with anxiety.

It was a Saturday night, and Theo was knocking on your door so he could come and cuddle with you (husband material right there).

When you didn't answer, he opened the door and looked around your room, seeing your bathroom light on but the door open. He shut your dorm door and walked towards your bathroom.

What he saw horrified him.

You were sitting on the bathroom floor, tears streaming down your face. You scratched at your arm where the dark mark had taken a permanent place.

"Love! Love stop that," he yelled, grabbing your arm and his eyes immediately widening at the sight of the blood from the scratches.

He quickly picked you up and sat you on the counter, not saying a word. He took a wet washcloth and pressed it to your mark.

"Ow, ow, it hurts Theo," you sobbed.

"I know darling, I know." He ran the washcloth under hot water and placed it gently on the mark, earning a sigh of relief from you.


"A bit."

"Okay, two things. First off, why didn't you tell me about this, darling?"

"I-," you took a deep breath. "I didn't want you to worry."

"Worry? Baby, of course I was going to worry no matter what, but I think I'm more worried now than if you told me when you got it. Now, second, don't fucking do this again," he gestured to your forearm that he was still holding a hot cloth to.

"I'm sorry. I really am, I just hate it so much, " you said.

"I know, y/n, but you still can't do this."

You looked down shamefully, causing Theo to sigh, "Do you wanna go cuddle, darling?"

You nodded your head excitedly, and he picked you up and carried you to your bed.

It would all be ok he thought. Everything would be just fine


Short but cute (just like me :p)

Hope you enjoyed!

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