T.R Ending #1

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This is the first ending of the last imagine, where you forgive him. The next one'll be where you don't forgive him


Tom rushed from the room and followed you out of the common room and into an empty classroom.

He stood there unnoticed by you as you slid down the wall crying, clutching your burned hand. Sobs echoed through the room.

"Y/n," he started, slowly walking towards your crouching down and placing a hand on your shoulder. He didn't remove his hand when you flinched away, but a frown spread across his face.

"Love, I swear, I didn't mean to."

"How do 'not mean to' hex the shit out of me," you retorted, pain shooting through your hand and down your arm when you wiped the tears from your eyes.

"Can I see," he held his hand out for you to put your's in.

You backed away a bit and moved your hand away from him.

"Please," he pleaded. "I just need to see if I can heal it myself or if we should go to the hospital wing."

You shakily put your hand in his, and his eyes flicked all around it as he inspected it.

Purple and blue blisters coated your hand, and a layer of skin on your palm was missing.

"I know you're not happy with me, I completely understand, ok? But, before anything happens, can you come up to my room so I can heal your hand," he asked as softly as he was capable of.

You nodded and stood up, following him to his dorm. When you got there, he picked you up by your waist and sat you on his bathroom counter.

He pulled out a potion and bandages from under the sink. He poured the potion on the bandage and gently, or as gently as he could manage, he wrapped it around your burned hand.

He lightly took your hand in his and placed a soft kiss on the bandage and looked up at you hopefully.

"I really am sorry, darling," he said.

"I know you are, but that really fucking hurt," you stated.

"I know, I know," he sighed. "But, if you're willing to help me, I'd like to be able to stop doing that. I don't know what I'm doing when I'm angry, and it would mean alot to me if you could help keep my temper in check."

You looked at him in thought and nodded your head," I'll help, but if you do it again, we're done."

"Ok, I won't hurt you again," he promised, holding his pinky out.

His old self would have laughed at how soft he had become towards you, but his present self wouldn't change it for the world.

You interlocked pinkies with him, "Promise?"

"Promise, " he stated, bringing your bandaged hand up to his lips once more.


i def started laughing while writing that last part ngl

love you all, feel free to pm if you need to talk <33


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