How R.W helps with trauma

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This is part two of the last imagine

Hehe... Angst (~‾▿‾)~

(Ig I should say TW: mentions of tramua and scars.)


Ron knew you were struggling. Alot.

He knew that all he wanted to do was take your pain away, both physical and mental.

It had been around 3 weeks since the war, and to say it had taken a toll on you would be a understatement.

The cuts on your legs had healed now, no longer bleeding although they still hurt. They left scars aswell, dark red lines that climbed up your legs.

Ron noticed how you only wore pants, knowing that the mere sight of the scars sent you into a panic.

He also learned to talk quieter around you,seeing as loud noises still made your head hurt. The gash on your head had healed and bandaging it was no longer necessary, but Ron still worried about it because it still seemed to effect you.

A Saturday weekend, Ron went outside into the yard for much needed fresh air. When he went inside, his breath hitched when you weren't sitting on the couch like you were previously.


He hurried upstairs to check your bedroom and saw the door open. He walked into the room and let out a sigh of relief and a small smile when he saw you. The smiled quickly turned into a frown when he saw the state you were in.

You had Ron's t-shirt on and a pair of black shorts. You were sitting on the ground, your legs in front of you. You were staring at the scars, your teary eyes flickering around to look at every one of them.

"You alright, m'love," he asked. He knew it was a stupid question, but he hoped asking it would help you open up and tell him what was wrong.

"My legs hurts," you said quietly.

"Do they?"

You nodded, "The pants I were wearing were hurting them, but I don't like looking at them."

Ron sat on the floor with you. He brushed your tears aways from you face and smiled sadly.

"Why don't you like looking at them?"

"They just- I don't know. They just make me- make me feel- I don't know," you desperately searched for an answer. You pulled your knees to you chest and let out a noise of pain, quickly putting them down.

Tears began to quickly stream down your faces, painful sobs racking your body.

Ron moved closer and began to rub your back soothingly, "it's alright, muffin. It's alright."

He panic when you chest moved up and down quicker and you gasped for breathe.

"Hey, hey you're alright. It's all okay," he reassured you. "You wanna hug?"

When you nodded, he enveloped you in a hug, making sure not to touch your legs at all. Your head laid on his chest, and his chin was propped up on your head

"Just follow my breathing, darling. You'll be okay."

Once you began to calm down, he talked to you softly, " What about this? I'll help you downstairs, and we can clean your cuts up and put some potion on them. And then you can change into some of my pants. They'll be a bit big on you so they shouldn't put pressure on your legs. That sound good?"

He smiled as you nodded, standing up and reaching for your hand to help you stand up. He allowed you to lean on him while you walked down the stairs. He picked you up by your waist and sat you on the kitchen counter.

Applying potion on your legs, he joked around and made sure your attention was directed at his face so that you wouldn't look at the scars.

He helped you back up stairs once he was done healing you, and respectfully helped you change into his pants.

He cuddled you bed for the rest of the day. He was careful as fuck to make sure he didn't touch your legs and instead held you waist comfortingly.

And all was well.


Seeee....... Angst: my favorite lol

Love you all, have a great day and stream Girl in Red :)


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