Mattheo when Y/n is hungover

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Part two of the last imagine!

Mentions of alcohol and emetophobia. Read at your own discretion.


You woke up to rays of light shining through your window. You closed your eyes tightly, you head pounding in your head and your throat sore.

This is why you didn't like drink. Sure, it was fun in the moment, but it was absolute hell afterwards.

Mattheo was already up, sitting at his desk and working on his potion's essay.

He wasn't exactly mad, seeing as you weren't aware of what you were doing and he was fully sure that you wouldn't do that if you were sober.

He was frustrated that someone else got your affection. He was also concerned, going off the comment you said as you fell asleep last night, he knew that your hangover would be a pain.

For both you and him.


He turned around to see you sitting up on the bed, rubing your eyed with your hands.

"'Morning darling," he said, walking towards the bed. Sitting next to you, he places his hand on your back and rubbed it gently.

Bring your knees to your chest and dropping your head into them, you groaned, "My head is killing me."

"I know love, do you want something to eat?"

You quickly shook your head," My stomach hurts."

" What about I get you something small, you need eat."

"M'kay," you agreed, your head still resting on you knees.

Mattheo came back with some toast and tea that he stole from the great hall.

You looked up when you heard the door open and close, and saw Mattheo with a plate and a cup.

What he didn't expect, was for you to hurriedly jump up and rush to the bathroom.

Mattheo froze before placing the food on the desk walking into the bathroom with you. He was met with you, hunched over the toilet with beads of sweat going down your face.

"Oh, darling," Theo said worriedly, grabbing a hair tie and dropping down by you. He pulled your hair up in a messy ponytail and began rubbing circles on your back.

"It's ok, love. You're almost done'" he soothed.

A few minutes later, and you and Mattheo were sitting against the bathroom wall, his arm around you waist and his hand rubbing circles on your stomach. Your head layed on his shoulder and every now and then he would leave a kiss on your temple.

He gave you your tea, telling you it would sooth your stomach. He would gently bring to your mouth for you to drink since your hands were still shaky.

" Do you wanna go lay down it bed? I'm sure it's comfortable than this."

Once he felt you nod against his shoulder, he helped you stand up and brought you to bed.

Helping you into bed, he pulled the covers over you and turned the light off. He then climbed in behind you, wrapping his arm around your waste once more.

He gently put his hand up your shirt so that he is could continue to gently rub your stomach.

"Goodnight, mi amór."

"'Night Theo."


Oh to be y/n.

This one was shorter than normal but I still like it.

Love y'all, you beautiful people <3


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