G.W when Y/n is sick

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Requested by Summerpotter08

y'all already know that I'm about to go crazy because this is kinda hurt/comfort and I have an obsession with it lol


George hadn't seen you all day, and it was now lunch time. This may not seem like every long, but he always saw you first thing in the morning during breakfast so this threw him off quite a bit.

So, he skipped lunch and headed up to you dorm to make sure you were okay. He knocked on your door quitely and when he didn't here an answer, he walked in softly.

He frowned and his eyebrows furrowed when he didn't see you. He decided to check his room to see if you were in there instead.

He walked into his room, and smiled softly when he saw you asleep in his bead.

You were under every blanket that he owned, along with wearing George's dark red hoodie. You face was flushed a light red and your chest moved up and down at a slower rate than usual.

He moved towards you and gave you a light kiss in your forehead, jumping backwards when he felt how warm it was.

He looked at you concerningly and debated if he should wake you up or not.

He decided to go down to the great hall and get food to bring back to you, seeing as you hadn't eaten since the previous night.

He quickly walked to the great hall, and filled a plate with food.

"You coming to sit, Georgie," Fred asked from his seat at the Gryffindor table.

"Not today Freddie, Y/n's not feeling so well. I probably won't be in classes this afternoon by the way."

"No problem, I'll come up with an excuse for you both."

"Thanks Freddie," George said before walking back to his dorm.

He got there just in time. He walked into you sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of you eyes with your hands, and yawning.

"Hey, Darling. I brought you lunch," he sat on his bed with you and placed the plate in-between you both.

"Thanks, Georgie," you said tiredly.

He looked at you worriedly when he saw you barely eating anything. You kept closing your eyes for a few seconds before opening them again.

"You feeling alright, Love?"

He frowned when you shaked your head and placed it in your hands.

"Why don't we take a nap?" He placed the plate on his bedside table and climbed in bed with you. He placed your head in his chest and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You smiled and nuzzled your head into the soft shirt he was wearing.

He allowed you to sleep, not being able to fall asleep himself due to your unhealthy state. Instead, he watched you you sleep peacefully, a smile on his face.

When you woke up, he sat you up in lap and kissed your forehead once again. Frowning when he felt your head warmer than it was earlier.

You placed your head in the crook if his neck and closed your eyes again.

"Your awfully quite, Darling. Does your throat hurt?"

"Mhm," you hummed into his shoulder.

"Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey. She'll probably have something to make you feel better."

He began helping you out of bed once he felt you nod.

He held your hand as you walked across the castle. You were basically leaning on him at this point, not that he minded.

When you arrived at the Hospital Wing, George told her that you weren't feeling well and that it hurt to talk. She took a few tests and gave George some medicine for you to take.

He helped you back to his dorm, sat you back in the bed, and gave you the medicine.

For the next few days, George didn't let you do anything. He made sure you got alot of sleep, gave you medicine, helped you shower and brush your hair. He was basically your personal assistant for the next week.


Told you I would go overboard lol

I just wanted to let you all know that you are amazing people and deserve the world <3


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