R.W & Y/n during the war

869 15 32


A request for JulzLovDraco4Eva

This is angsty af so beware (also Fred doesn't to die because I can't bring myself to write that sry)


War was rising like frost on a train window. Every second it inched closer, a chilly deamoner brought of the whole castle.

You knew Ron would want to fight with Harry, and you knew that, even if he didn't want it, you would fight with him.

Ron was looking out the window of the common room, panic building in his eyes as the death eaters began apparating around the school grounds. You walked up to him and.grabbed his hand, but he still didn't look towards you.

"I really don't want you involved in this, muffin," he said, finally looking at you.

"I know," you sighed. "But I'm gonna do it anyway."

"Please don't get hurt. I love you too much to see you in pain."

"You know that I can't make that promise. But, I promise I'll try."

"Stay by my side ok? If we get separated, stick by someone else. Like Ginny or Neville."

You took a deep breathe, "Got it."



A few hours into the, the two of you had gotten separated. Once it was over, and Voldemort was defeated, Ron rushed around the grounds to find you.

When he didn't hear a response from his shouting, he ran into the great hall to ask if anyone has seen you. Instead, he was greeted with a sight that would surely haunt his nightmares.

You leaned against George, your bleeding head being supported by his shoulder and your crimson covered legs placed in Fred's lap. Madam Pomprey was applying potions and bandages to the dozens of large gashed that went down your legs.

Your eyes were closed and the only sign that you were alive was the slow movement of your chest going up and down. You were pale as a ghost and you shivered in your unconscious state.

"She'll recover, don't worry. The cuts on her legs will probably leave some wicked scars though," Fred reassured Ron.

A few hours went by before you wake up. You were in the same positions, but Ron held your hand, which seemed like the only part of you that wasn't bruised.

You grabbed your head with your hand, feeling the bandage wrapped around your hair and head.

"Hey, muffin," Ron said quietly, ignoring the fake retching noises that twins made at the 'lovey-dovey' name.

Madam Pomfrey told them that your head would be sensitive for a while, meaning that they should talk in quiter voices.


You sat up from your slumped position and picked your head up from George's shoulder. Your groaned as you moved you legs and volts of pain went through them.

"Don't move, darling. They'll start bleeding more." Ron said concerningly after seeing your pained expression. "How're you feeling?"

"Just peachy," you replied sarcastically, laying your head on his shoulder.

"Right, sorry."

You sat there for a moment, Ron running his thumb over your knuckles. Madam Pomfrey told him to make sure you up slept, so Ron smiled when he saw you sleep peacefully on his shoulder.

Everything is alright now


I'm really tempted to make a part two of like the tramua from the war. Like, the healing and nightmares and shit

Also, I can't believe we're almost at 5k reads, that's friggin crazy wtf- I love you all so much


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