Protective Harry Potter

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A request by JulzLovDraco4Eva. I shortened the prompt a bit so that it could flow better, but I hope you like it.

Also, this is kinda hurt/comfort ( not really tho) and if y'all know me, you know it's my favorite to write and read. So here we go


You and Harry have been dating since year 5 when you helped him with Dumbledore's Army. Ever since you were inseparable.

When you two got together, Harry promised himself that he would never let anything hurt you. He told you this promise whenever you got nervous or scared of Voldemort's uprising.

But now. Well, things were going downhill.

The Battle of Hogwarts.

Hundreds of underage students fleeing the grounds for safety. Of age students preparing for battle, breathing heavily with strong grips on their wands.

Death eaters on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, all dressed in black with hoods and masks on.

" Y/n listen," Harry said, cutting you out of your trance. " I love you so much. It's going to be an absolute blood bath out there. Please stay safe, don't try and play hero, look out for yourself."

" I will, as long as you do the same yourself."

" I will attempt to, my darling."


You were running as fast as you could.

The death eaters and Voldemort were outraged that Harry had faked his death and was still alive.

You had gone through so many emotions in the past hour, protectiveness, strength, grief, relief. It all blended together, turning you on flight or fight.

You believed you were in an empty corridor until a purple light came towards you. You quickly dodged it and scanned the area.

Your eyes landed on none other than Lucius Malfoy, who wore a smug smirk on his face.

" Well if it isn't Ms. Y/l/n. You know, I think you could be very helpful to us. You've made it this far, you're obviously quite powerful."

" Absolutely not. I would rather die than join your side," you spat.

" Ah, well that could be arranged. Fortunately for you, the Dark Lord has other plans for you."

Before you had any time to react, a red light was shot towards you.

And everything went black.


"Well, Harry Potter. Although you seem to have outwitted me once, I shall win this in the end. I have Y/n. Come and get her potter." Voldemort's boomed throughout Hogwarts.

" No! He's lying, Harry! Y/n was just here a minute ago," Hermione pleaded, hoping his best friend wouldn't put himself in danger again.

" She's right mate. There's no way they got her that quickly," Ron said.

" I hear some of you are doubting that I have Potter's so-called 'soulmate'. Well, shall I give you proof? Cruico!"

The grounds were filled with your screams of pain. Every person, students and Order members alike, paled quickly.

A face of shock and fear took over Harry's face.

I shall continue until Harry Potter is dead. So by all means, wait as long as you wish.  We can see how long his precious girlfriend stays conscious. Or even alive.

Harry bolted toward the courtyard, your screams ringing in his ears.

He was met with the sight he saw in his nightmares.

Voldemort's wand pointed towards you, as you sat on the ground by his feet. Your knees pulled up to your chest, your head in between them. Your whole body was shaking from both the curse and your sobs and screaming.


" Ah, the boy who loved. Come to die for his girlfriend. Pathetic," Voldemort spat.

By now, he had lifted the curse off of you.

You stopper screaming, but sobs still racked your body. You continue to shake, and from Harry's perspective, you looked as if you were on the brink of consciousness.

All Harry wanted was to run up to you and make sure you were okay, but Voldemort was in his way.

The final battle scene happens like in the books/movies, but I don't feel like writing all that. So, time skip to when voldy is dead


Ignoring the shouts and yells behind him, Harry ran to where you were.

You were still curled up on the ground, sobbing and shaking from pain.

" Your ok, you're ok. I got you," Harry soothed as sat on the ground with you and pulled you into him.

" I've got you. Shhh, your safe now. I killed him
y/n. Voldemort's dead."

He panicked when he saw your eyes begin to close. He couldn't tell if you were losing consciousness or life.

" Hey! Hey, no no no no. Keep those beautiful eyes open, love. We can have the life we always dreamed of, as long as you keep those eyes open," he pleaded.

He picked you up, one arm under your legs and the other supporting your head.

He rushed to the great hall, not taking notice of the injured and deceased people around him. Madam Pomfrey was already prepared to handle this situation, as she was warned by Ron and Hermione about how you would most likely be in critical condition.

" Put her over there Mr. Potter," she commanded, gesturing to the mat on the floor.

After a multitude of spells and tests, she came to a conclusion.

" She'll be alright, Mr. Potter. Weak for a while, but alive and breathing nonetheless."

A sigh of relief came from Harry, along with a few tears of joy. He took a seat on the floor by your mattress and gripped your hand tightly.

" Thank Merlin, I don't know how I would live without you."


I have no idea how to end this lol

Hope you like it, apologies for the long wait

I love you all immensely, and I wish you all the best <3


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