M.R on Valentine's Day

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People really like Mattheo, like my most read imagine is a Mattheo one, so here ya guys go


"This is too much, Theo."

"What can I say, Amor, it's a fancy dinner for a fancy lady."

And fucking fancy it was.

You sat in a beautiful, modern restaurant that Mattheo had apparated you to, so you weren't sure where it was. You sat in a small, private room with detailed paintings and old photographs.

A table and two chairs were in the center, a few candles and a vase of flowers as a centerpiece. Classical piano music played from a hidden speaker, and your food had popped onto the table suddenly a few moments ago.

"I guess the fancy lady always has a fancy boyfriend then," you said.

"I suppose she does," Mattheo agreed.

"And the fancy lady has a fancy gift for her fancy boyfriend."

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing her fancy boyfriend brought a fancy gift as well."

The two of you burst out laughing, almost to the point where you were running out of breathe.

"But, for real, I do have a gift for you."

"Me too," he replied.

"I want you to open your's first."

You slid him a box, which he took and opened.

Inside was a picture frame, with a picture in it of course. But, every few seconds, the picture would change into a new one. All of them were pictures of you and Mattheo together. You had gathered them from your friends and his friends, along with secretly taking a few of them yourself with secret cameras and the help of magic.

He looked up from the pictures and at you, his eyes full of adoration,"This is amazing, love. Although, I feel like people have been spying on us."

"They were. That's how I got most of the pictures."

He smiled," Your turn. You have to close your eyes tho."

You hesitantly closed your eyes and heard Mattheo scoot his chair back. Suddenly, you feel something brush your neck, causing you to gasp and flinch.

"Calm down, Y/n," he chuckled. "It's just me. You can open your eyes now."

When you opened them, Matthew was sitting back down at the table and you felt something on your neck. Looking down you saw a necklace. It was a black chain that hung loosely around your neck, with one of Mattheo's silver rings on it, acting as a pendant.

"You always seem so interested in my rings, so I decided to give you one. But my rings definitely won't fit on your fingers, so I made it into a necklace," he explained.

"I love it so much!"

"Anything for my fancy girl."


The word fancy had officially been used too many times ಥ‿ಥ

These Valentine imagines added together were a total of 4069 words. Just thought I would share that with you

Love you all so much, Happy Valentine's day luvs


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