M.M when Y/n has a long day

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This a request from the lovely -regulusluvrr

If you want a different imagine, feel free to request it <3


You had a very long day.

Not necessarily bad, but not good either. It was just really busy and you believed that it would never come to an end.

But, finally, your classes were over and you could go snuggle up with your girlfriend.

You knocked gently on her door and heard a "come in" from inside. So you opened it and walked into the room.

Marlene, as the beautiful bicth she is, was sitting on the window seat, smoking out the window. She looked at you with love in her eyes, and gestured for you to sit with her.

She probably expected you to sit next to her,.but instead, you sat on her lap and dug your head into her shoulder.

"You good, darling," she asked, confused on why you weren't being your excited, hyper self.

You shrugged,"Long day." Your voice was muffled by the dark red material of her sweatshirt, but she still heard.

"You wanna cig, they always help me when I'm stressed."

You raised your eyebrow at her, and nodded before taking one from the pack she offered to you.

"Only one, though," you stated. "I'm not smoking a whole pack like you do everyday."

"That's fair," she smiled.

You took a drag of it, and then sighed at the feeling of your stress dissolving quickly.


You nodded, taking a few more drags and then putting out the cigarette.

You cuddled back into her, and she laughed, "Still tired?"

You nodded into her shoulder, "You can go to bed if you wanna."

"M'kay," She saw you close your eyes and relax slightly.

She laughed again, "I meant in your bed, dumbass."

"I'm good, you're pretty comfy actually," you stated.

"Okay, love. Good night."

She felt you completely relax and laughed once again at the small, quiet snores that escaped through your lips as you slept peacefully.


Hope you like it! Also, you should definitely go check her stories, they are absolutely beautiful <3

Love you all, feel free to leave requests


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