M.R when Y/n is pregnant

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An imagine for mrsriddleog

I'm sorry it took so long, but it's finally out lol


Mattheo always wanted children and, surprisingly, he thought really into it.

He said he wanted an older boy and a younger girl. He said that the older boy would protect his younger sister and the girl would keep her brother joyous.

You and Mattheo just graduated from Hogwarts. You sat in the living room, tears in your eyes, as you just found out you were pregnant.

You couldn't wait to tell Mattheo. You knew he wouldn't want any extravagant way to tell him, just a simple talk about it.

When he walked into the door after work, hung his coat up, dropped his suitcase and walked over to you. He sat next to you on the couch and kissed your cheek.

"You alright, darling," he asked, noticing how you were biting your lip.

You smiled slightly, holding your pregnancy behind your back, "I have a surprise for you."

"I hate surprises, " he groaned."But, luckily for you, I'll make an exception."

You pulled out the test from behind your back and handed it to him, biting your lip once again and waiting for his reaction.

His eyes widened and his mouth fell agape,"You're pregnant?"

You nodded, and a huge grin made way on his face as he enveloped you in a hug.

And for the next nine months, it was straight love and affection. He never let you do anything.

He would cook everything, and he was surprisingly good, he did everything around the house, and he constantly checked up on you.

He wouldn't judge out loud for your weird cravings, but he definitely made a grossed out face when you insisted on having mac and cheese with pickles on top for dinner.

When it came.to morning sickness, he would get kind of grossed out, but stayed with you and held your hair back for you nonetheless.

On a quiet Saturday evening, you went into labour, and it freaked him the fuck out. He rushed throughout the house to get everything he needed, along with the bag he had packed for you weeks prior.

He jumped in the car, and quickly drove you to the hospital.

He definitely held your hand tightly while you gave birth and was ecstatic to hold his child. To his amazement, it was a boy, with Mattheo's black hair and your eyes.

You both decided on the name Jason, or Jase for short. (if you come up with a better name, please tell me. i can not come up with names to save my life).

When he took you and the baby back home he literally laid in bed with the two of you for a whole week straight, relishing the fact that he finally had the family he had always wished for.


what- a non ansgty imagine? i didn't even know i could write that

anyway- love you all, i'm so sorry for being inactive

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