Dating Remus Lupin

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Requested by the lovely apocqlypticcrvsh. Love ya bestie, enjoy!


I'm not kidding when I say I love Remus with all my heart <3

We all know Remus is smart as hell, so it's suprise that he helps you out with school work whenever you need it. He's super patient and will explain things over and over if you need.

He'll also read to you constantly, not that you mind it of course. He'll sit on the common room couch, whether there's people there or not, the fire place keeping the two of you warm.

He also like laying in bed and reading you to sleep. You cuddled up to his side as he reads you a story to lull you to sleep. ( Um- yes please)

I don't exactly know why, but I just know Remus love cooking

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I don't exactly know why, but I just know Remus love cooking.

With his iconic obsession with chocolate, you better believe that everything to bake together has chocolate incorporated in it.

Also, as we know, Remus is fricken' tall! He'll stand there, a small smirk on his face, as he watches you try to reach something up high. That's only until he gives in and helps, wrapping his arm around you waist and handing the thing to you with a gentle kiss on the cheek.

He'll always let you help with baking things, letting to measure, roll things out, decorate, what ever you like to help with really.

Little notes? Little notes!

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Little notes? Little notes!

He would leave them everywhere and anywhere. You could find them hidden in your school books, stashed in jumper pocket when you steal from his room, on this inside of the wrapper to the chocolate bar he would give you at random times. You get my point.

The messages would vary in sizes. Some would have long poems and some would have a simple sentence. Some of them were written by him, some were lyrics from songs you both listened to together. A few of them were quotes from a book that he liked.

No matter what, he knew you liked them, so we do it often.

•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•ONE-SHOT!I get more original each time

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I get more original each time

You sat in the common room while everyone else was at supper.

Your legs were criss-crossed as you stared into the fire. Remus's sweater hung loosely around your body and every once and a while, you caught a whiff of the aroma of chocolate that lingered on it.   Bags hung under your tired eyes.

Nothing was urgently bad, there wasn't really anything wrong at all, just not being able to sleep.

You weren't sure if it was stress from school. After thinking about, you came to the conclusion that it was not being able to sleep with Remus, seeing as he's been busy with the Mauraders.

When Remus walked into the common room, coming up before everyone up so he could get some stuff done, he was met with your sleepy state. He frowned slightly when he saw your tired eyes.

" You alright, angel?"

Turning your head quickly, you saw Remus walking over to the sofa you sat on. You nodded slightly, turning back to the fire.

"What's the matter," he asked, sitting beside you and draping a blanket over the you both.

"Nothing, just a bit tired I guess," you answered with a shrug.

"Why are you tired? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I don't know why, I just haven't been able to sleep."

"Oh, well, would you like me to sleep with you tonight. Maybe it'll help," he offered.

" Yes please, if you don't mind."

"If I minded, I wouldn't have offered it to you," he teased, standing up and reaching is hand out.

You grabbed and walking up to the boy's dormitory. Walking, Remus dropped his bag by his desk and sat on his bed.

"Normally I would offer you my clothes, but it seems as if you already took them," he said playfully, smiling when he saw you blush.

"Sorry, I was cold."

"Don't apologize, I was just messing with you," Remus laughed. " Now are you cuddle with me or.....?"

You slipped into bed, snuggling into his side as he grabbed a book off the bedside table. He softly began reading aloud, his gentle voice helping you drift of to sleep.

Remus looked down to see your eyes closed, your chest rising up and down gently with deep breathes.

" Sweet dreams, Angel."


Remus, my finger is bare ;) anywho.... Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for any typos, I never new it was so hard typing with a fractured finger lol

I shall send adoration and love your way, you all deserve it immensely <3


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