Dating Sirius Black

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A request by the lovely _cxnstellqtions. Hope ya like it bestie, and anyone else reading.


Ok first, lets just point something out. You can NEVER use the word serious. Ever. Just completely remove it from your dictionary.

Now that's out of the way, let us actually start.

Since he has a very close relationship with his friends, your kinda always around them. You might want to be prepared for James to flirt with you just to mess with Sirius.

Because he's always around his friends, he fricken LOVES showing you off. I'm talking constantly touching youn in some shape, form, or fashion. This is normally done with his arm around your waist or shoulder.

Kissing in public? Yeah, that's a very common occurrence. Sirius is kinda the  jealous type, and he hates when people don't know that the two of you are dating and stare at you. So, he does his best to show everyone your taken, and taken by him.

 So, he does his best to show everyone your taken, and taken by him

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As we all know, Sirius pranks people. A lot

He doesn't prank you as much, but he loves including you in them.

About 2 months into y'all's relationship, you were a pranking master. The two of you had a certain day during the week that you would play pranks.

This often results in the both of you sprinting away from Filch in the middle of the night, most likely while holding hands.

This often results in the both of you sprinting away from Filch in the middle of the night, most likely while holding hands

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Sirius loves midnight walks. He would wake you up late at night, just so you could accompany him.

The love in his eyes as he stares at you in adoration.

He also loves midnight adventures. The muggle world fascinates him, as he never got too see as a child, so he would take you along with him to explore it.

Even the simplest thing like a swing set or basic muggle reastraunt can keep this man occupied for HOURS.

Even the simplest thing like a swing set or basic muggle reastraunt can keep this man occupied for HOURS

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The end of the year was coming, and that meant final exams were closing in.

The two you hadn't had much time together, so you were extactic when he invited you too his dorm.

So there y'all were, you cuddled up to him, you head resting on his chest. His calming heartbeat and breathing lulling you to sleep.

You were about to fall asleep, your eyes closing and your breathes softening. All of a sudden,
Sirius sat up, turning his head towards his clock.

"Shit" he mumbled, moving you off him, assuming you were asleep.

He got out off bed and put a T-shirt on. You had sat up by now, staring at him in tired confusion.

He was about to open the door and leave, but was interupted by arm around his waist. Your head layed on his lower back, and arm tight around him.

He spun around and looked down at you. ( Or up, depending on your height)

" Go back to sleep baby," he said.

" Where are you going?"

" I told the boys that we could hang out in the common room tonight," he answered truthfully.

" I thought we were gonna cuddle tonight," you said, resting your head back on his chest. You weren't quite fully awake yet, and Sirius found your sleep state adorable.

" We were, and I'm sorry, but I got my schedule mixed up."

"Can't you just tell them your busy, I wanna go back to bed."

" You can go to sleep without me you know," he chuckled. You quickly shook your head, which was still buried in his chest.

Sirius sighed," Fine, I'll cancel, but only cuz' I'm pretty sure your about to fall asleep while standing up." This earned a tired, quiet laugh from you.

He picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the bed. He put you down, and covered you in a blanket.

He went downstairs and canceled plans with the rest of the Mauraders. They protested( ALOT), but understood in the end.

When he walked back into his dorm, he was met with you sleeping peacefully, your chest moving up and down with your breathe.

He smiled before moving into bed behind you. He moved you closer to him, his arms draped around your waist. ( BIG SPOON)

And that is exactly how he fell asleep.

With the love of his life.


I kinda suck at writing the Mauraders, so if anyone has any distinctive traits that they have, please comment them.

Hope y'all like it, feel free to request a character if you want.

Love ya wierdos, stay safe and take care of yourself.


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