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~Rivers and Rose Bushes~

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~Rivers and Rose Bushes~

Eleanor took the hands of her two nephews as they rushed forward to greet a waiting Jacquetta Woodville who smiled widely at them, arching a blonde eyebrow when she saw Eleanor.
"Leena" she greeted as she enfolded one of her youngest daughters in her arms "what are you doing out of bed so early in the day, hm?"

"We met the King! We met the King!" Tom and Rickon chanted, making their grandmother laugh and look over their heads to where Edward was walking with Elizabeth, a hand wrapped around his horse's reins while Warwick rode behind him, a suspicious look on his face as he glanced around his surroundings.

"Welcome to Grafton Manor, your grace" Jacquetta said as she swept a graceful curtsy and smiled at the young King.
"Jaquetta Woodville!" Warick exclaimed with a laugh as he ran a hand through his chestnut hair and Eleanor rolled her eyes, already tired of his apparent efforts to diminish her family "is the pageboy at home as well?"

Both of her daughters looked to her, expecting a rage at the insult that had just been dealt to their father but Jaquetta's face remained stoic as she clasped her hands together.

"Baron Rivers is away unfortunately...." she began only to have Warwick cut her off, his brown eyes lighting up with malicious amusement.
"Ha, I forgot! Baron Rivers! A hastily made up title to cover red faces when a high born Lancastrian Lady bedded a grubby commoner as I recall"

Eleanor bit her lip and was about to speak when Elizabeth pulled her back, shaking her head before nodding in the direction of King Edward.
"He was a squire and always twice the man you are, Lord Warwick" Jacquetta continued with an effortless grace as she turned to the other man "will you take a glass of small ale, your grace? Or we have some fine wine from my cousins in Burgundy?"

Warwick huffed and rolled his eyes again.
"Edward....surely you're not..."
"I'll take the wine" Edward cut in, even he now appearing tired of his friend's haughtiness "with thanks, Lady Rivers" passing the reins of his horse to the Grey brothers, he followed Elizabeth and Jaquetta into Grafton Manor, winking at Eleanor as he passed and she ran to join her elder sister, taking her hand and squeezing it.

As the three walked into the main hall, Eleanor spotted Bella loitering by the door and nodded at Elizabeth before running to her other sister, drawing her to the stairs.

"I got back safely!" She said proudly when Bella embraced her and grinned "and King Edward is not what you think! He heard Elizabeth's case!"
"King?" Bella laughed before the same unsteady look that she had held earlier returned to her face "he is a York, Leena, he cannot be trusted, so do not fall into his traps of charm, lest you want to lose your head!"

Frowning, Eleanor put a hand to her neck and looked at her elder sister, pondering over her words.
"My head?" She whispered, wondering why on Earth the handsome Edward of York would want her head. A little girl's voice sounded from above and Bella turned with a sigh.
"I'm coming, Cat!" She called and patted Eleanor's shoulder before lifting the skirt of her green gown and rushing up the steps to her little sister's aid.

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