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~Exile and Sanctuary~

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~Exile and Sanctuary~

"You look rather pleased with yourself, Eleanor?" Elizabeth remarked as the two rode at the head of the procession to the Tower of London, the Princesses riding in the carriage behind with Fortuna.

The Duchess had ordered for Marie and Anais to go to Grafton Manor, despite their fervent protests, but now she wished she had brought them with her for she missed them already!

Still, they were under the protection of the Queen's mother and so Eleanor knew they would be safe and was resolved to be satisfied with that until her husband returned from the rebellion.

"Eleanor?" Her sister asked again, snapping Eleanor from her thoughts and making her blush which caused the Queen to laugh "is this to do with Richard by any chance?"
"It may be" the Duchess replied, turning to face the gentle breeze in order to cool her burning cheeks "and it may not!"

"It is" Elizabeth murmured to herself, smirking, while Eleanor merely glared at her.


October 1470, the Tower of London....

Eleanor squealed as the three Princesses tackled her onto the covers of the bed and began to tickle her while she yelled that she yielded. Elizabeth watched on from the window with a smile before once more reading the letter Edward had sent her a week prior and smiled at her husband's words of love and assurance.

Eleanor eventually got the little girls off her and grabbed the wooden sword, belonging to Lizzie, pointing it at them.
"Haha!" She cried "now you shall all have to yield!"
"Never, Lyanna!" Lizzie and Mary retorted while Cecily merely screamed her protest, waving her small arms in the air before she lay down and rolled under the large bed the Queen and the Duchess shared, quickly joined by her sisters.

Placing the sword down with a grin, Eleanor sighed and crossed over to Elizabeth, taking a seat opposite her and watching as her sister folded her letter; tucked it neatly into her sleeve.
"You have not heard from Richard?" She asked and the Duchess shook her head.
"No" she replied with a small smile "but I am sure that he shall come home soon and...."

"Do you care for him?"
Eleanor looked up at the question only to find Elizabeth's eyes staring into hers, digging intently for answers.

"I-I suppose so" She stammered, beginning to wring her hands in her lap "I think that he....may have begun to care for me a little?"
"Is that so?" The Queen replied, raising an eyebrow before she shot from her seat as the door flew open to reveal her two sons.

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