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~A Plot of Politics~

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~A Plot of Politics~

July 1469....

Thank you Aunt Lyanna!" Lizzie said as Eleanor lifted her into the royal carriage from the forrest floor. She grinned in reply. Even after 5 days of being called by it by the three little ones, she still found the nickname 'Lyanna' rather amusing and so did the Queen, who would laugh every time the name passed any of her daughters lips.

"Come along girls!" The Queen now urged as Johanna led Mary and Cecily from a row of bushes "we shall never get to Kenilworth if we must stop every three minutes!"

"It looks like we shall have to wait a little longer!" Eleanor said as she began to beam from ear to ear, having to remind herself that she was a countess before she picked up her skirts and ran as she would have done just a few years ago.

Instead she waited, waving a little as her father and two brothers (Anthony and John) approached, all grinning when they saw her.

"Well if it isn't my little Eleanor!" Earl Rivers exclaimed as he pulled his horse to a halt, a proud smile playing about his lips.

"Who is not so little any longer!" Anthony continued, jumping down from his steed and walking to where his little sister stood, sweeping her into a tight embrace "We've all missed you!"
"And I've missed you!" She murmured before pulling away and hugging John who was now beside his brother.

"We have news" he said, his joyous smile fading as did his brother's and father's making Eleanor frown, looking to Elizabeth "there is a rebellion" John continued "a Robin of Redesdale!"

"Ha!" Eleanor exclaimed while Elizabeth laughed "that's one fanciful name for a petty rebel, brother! Really, why is there any need to worry?"
"Someone is paying the men, Eleanor!" Anthony said sternly "they have strong new boots and this is Warwick's country!"

'Warwick?' Eleanor thought as the Queen began to declare that they needn't worry as Edward would stamp it all out in a mere heartbeat. Of course, why would Warwick be a danger to them now? He had been out of favour ever since the secret deal with France in 1465, had been chosen to virtually play nursemaid when Margaret of York went to wed her husband in burgundy. True, he had earned some redemption from Edward when he captured mad King Henry but still he had all but been pushed from court.

Yet still, there was something in the Countesses' mind that told her Warwick was more of a threat than ever....he had power taken from him.....and he wanted it back. But would he truly spark a rebellion against the very king he had put onto the throne? Eleanor thought so.

'They want to keep the power they have accumulated and they will fight to the death for it' Her mother had told her when speaking of the Nevilles. Now it seemed those words were about to truly come to pass.

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