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~Wife and Witch~

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~Wife and Witch~

When Eleanor woke the next morning she found herself alone and shivering before she pulled up the sheets around her and looked out of the small window that had beams of light coming through the diamond pieces of glass.

Holding up her hand, she eyed her wedding ring with a mix of reluctance and sadness, for it was a reminder that she was now well and truly trapped in a gilded cage. Married to a man whom she did not know (despite their unexpected closeness the previous night) and certainly did not love. He did not love or know her either, she thought, as she slowly moved from the bed and walked over to a coffer that lay under the window.

Opening the lid, she retrieved a soft lilac gown before removing her nightgown and pulling on a clean shift, trying to ignore the dull pain between her legs. She slipped the gown over her head and tied the laces tightly, though she felt her fingers trembling a little.

After she reached for a hairbrush, slowly brushing out her curls before she opened a draw next to her and picked out a white gauze veil. Using the pins from the previous day, she attached the veil, hiding her hair and neatly arranged it so that is was flowing down her back, the elegant fabric almost reaching her knees.

Eleanor slowly made her way back to the bed, sitting down as she pulled on her stockings and a pair of lilac silk slippers to match her gown.

"I'm married" she whispered, part of her still in disbelief "no longer Eleanor Woodville....but her grace the Duchess of Gloucester...."

Standing she walked to the small table under the mirror that hung on the stone wall and retrieved the charm that hung on the deep black ribbon, containing the curse she had laid on the brother of her husband.

Tying it around her neck, she slowly kissed the metal locket and left the chamber, walking to the chapel.

What she found there was Elizabeth, wearing a white veil similar to her own and on her knees before the altar; hands clasped in prayer.

Eleanor went to her side, kneeling beside the Queen and bending her head to pray but before she could even begin, her sister had turned to her with a smile.

"Are you well?" She whispered and Eleanor nodded, though she found she could not fully return the smile.
"I am, to be honest, but I cannot admit to being happy!"
"You will be soon....I am sure of it" Elizabeth said, taking her younger sister's hand "even if that happiness is with your child and not with your husband"

Eleanor's eyes widened and she put a hand to her stomach, shaking her head.
"Anything but a child" she said sternly, leaning against the altar "besides, where is the Duke?"

"Parliament" the Queen answered "to prevent George from getting to the throne....we must pray that he wins"
Eleanor smiled at that and nodded, turning to pray once more.
"Of course" she replied "for now all of our hopes rest on the shoulders of a sixteen year old boy!"

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