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~The House of Gloucester~

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~The House of Gloucester~

2nd of June 1473, Middleham....

"It's a girl!" Anais cried in delight as the twenty year old Duchess of Gloucester collapsed back onto the bloodied sheets of her bed with an agonised groan. She immediately tried to raise her head, anxious to catch a glimpse of her new babe, the babe that had caused her a day and night of agonising labour.

"Give her to me" she murmured, holding out her aching arms while Marie helped her to lean against her propped up pillows and took the small bundle of cloth that contained the baby from her fellow lady, handing her to the Duchess.

Eleanor's face immediately faded of all concern and pain, leaving only relief in it as she gazed upon the perfect face of her new daughter. The small baby wailed at the top of her little lungs, her little pink arms flailing left and right while her legs kicked impatiently at the blankets that bound her.

This was one child that would not be letting go of life any time soon even though just moments ago she had taken her very first breaths "shh, my little one" Eleanor cooed, rocking her daughter back and forth as best she could while she tried to ignore the pain that made her body tremble.

She sighed loudly as Marie pressed a cold cloth to her forehead, dabbing at her flushed skin (that was almost as red as her hair) with the upmost care and affection. Eleanor smiled gratefully at her friend, her grin widening as Anais approached, eager to once more see the baby while she replaced the bedsheets as best she could.

The Duchess tilted her child to the side a little for the younger woman to see and laughed when Anais' eyes began to shine with excitement.
"I vill protect her vith my life, your grace" she promised in a quiet voice, never looking away from the small face that had now relaxed as the child stopped her loud protests and took to staring at her mother with eyes of clearest blue.

"As shall I" Marie breathed, clearly enchanted by the little child and making Eleanor's heart swell with pride, a feeling of safety enveloping her as she allowed herself to relax into her bed. This little one was her third child. Her third!

She chuckled to herself, thinking of the times when she had promised herself that she would have no more children after Jacquetta. If only the Eleanor of her early marriage were able to see her at that moment. Content. More than content. She was happy and over the past year had lost her fear of admitting that. Yes, she was happy.

The North had become a safe haven for her, a true home. Within a few months of her arrival, all her fears, all her doubts within herself and her ability to rule the wild country that she had come to had melted away.

All of her servants, all of the village and the farmers that tended the land respected and loved her, had accepted her as their Lady but that affection had not all simply appeared out of the blue. Just as she had at Leeds Castle, Eleanor had made an effort to win the hearts of all as she settled into her position.

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