𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑋𝑋𝑋𝐼

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~Which Witch~

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~Which Witch~

June 1483....

"And..." Edward's brows furrowed as he looked at the chess board between he and Eleanor, calculating his next move.

While she watched him she could see he became less and less Woodville and more and more like his father as he frowned and pondered over the remaining pieces before him. A sudden grin lit his face and he reached out to his last knight, moving it across the board.

"Checkmate, Aunt" he sat up slightly, proudly even as Eleanor stared on stunned before she began to applaud him. He adored her adulation and basked in it every chance he got!

This was not the first time he had won, no, both had had their fair share of wins and losses but Eleanor had to admit, Edward was no newcomer to the game! Anthony had taught him well, more than well, and she wagered that he would be even to beat Richard who won their games at Middleham with such ease and grace he appeared effortless.

"Well done!" She praised and Edward beamed at her, combing a hand through his golden curls. "you shall prove a tactile King, I can already tell!"
"My coronation is in two days!" He said, puffing out his chest a little "I shall be dressed in cloth of gold and wear my Father's crown! Will my brother and sisters come?"

"I don't know" Eleanor answered truthfully and he nodded, a little subdued "we are trying to fetch them from sanctuary but so far we have failed my dear, I am sorry"

"It is not your fault, Aunt" Edward replied quietly as he began to set up the chess board once more. "It's only....well I would like to see them! I've hardly known my brother and sisters growing up and I would like to know them better. Do you think Uncle Richard would allow it?"

His Aunt smiled and reached across the board to take his hand. He was trusting Richard a little more, she had noticed and was coming to rely on him a little as he had done Anthony.

"Your Uncle Richard would encourage it" she told him "in fact, with any luck your brother should be here today! And he will stay with you to help prepare you for your coronation!" As if to confirm her words, royal trumpets (obviously ordered by Harry) blared at the Tower gates and the sound of hooves on cobble echoed in the morning air.

Edward's breath suddenly caught in his throat as he rushed to the window and gazed down to see little Prince Richard be lifted down from a horse by the Duke of Buckingham.
"Do I greet him as a brother or as a subject?" He breathed and Eleanor placed a hand on his shoulder.

"A brother" she answered, the confidence in her voice steadying him slightly "your father always used to embrace his brothers when they met, perhaps you could do the same? Or clasp his arm in greeting?" Nodding, Edward turned around and adjusted the embroidered leather belt Richard had given to him as a gift just a week before. Clicking filled the air as he played with the dagger attached to it, sliding it in and out of his sheath as he heard Harry's merry voice approaching.

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