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~Queen of Hearts~

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~Queen of Hearts~

Wrapping her thin shawl tightly around her shoulders, Eleanor rushed out to greet the messenger that had brought her news of the battle which had taken place just three days earlier.

"Father? What news is there?" She cried as Elizabeth appeared beside her and Baron Rivers cracked the red wax seal that held the parchment in his hand together.

"Another bloody battle" he grumbled as all of his children gathered around him while he walked, heavy steps that betrayed his weariness of war and strife.
"Who has won?" Bella asked breathlessly, clutching her chest as she tried to regain the air she had lost running down four flights of stairs.

"The Lancaster forces were routed" her father replied "Henry is defeated...."
"Edward?" Elizabeth cried, a smile forming on her face as she took Eleanor's hand "Edward has won?"
"Henry has fled to the moors with a price on his head" Rivers continued, ignoring his eldest as he walked back up to the manor and crumpled the letter in his hands "like a border rebel! He's lost his wits again!"

"Oh, poor man!" Anne sighed, looking to her mother "and Queen Margaret?"
"She's taken her son to Scotland!"

"She won't give up though" Anthony stated firmly "she'll never give up until her son is on the throne"
"Which will never happen" Eleanor whispered to her sister as the others walked inside "you are the Queen now Lizzie....not Margaret. And it shall be your son who sit on the throne after Edward...not hers!"


August 1464, Grafton...

Eleanor and Jacquetta watched with wary eyes as Elizabeth paced in front of them, strolling down the cobbled path of the garden, huffing as she yanked the hanging sleeves of her grey damask gown from the ground every so often.

Again and again her eyes scanned the letter that Edward had sent to her, the first she had heard from him since his last visit in late may. After that then there had been no word. For three whole months he had stayed silent and now a glistening summer would soon be blown away by autumn winds.

'Perhaps Anthony was right?' She wondered yet again before catching Eleanor's eyes and watching as she shook her head, appearing as if she could read her thoughts. 'He has not left you' the trusting green eyes so alike her own said 'have faith, Lizzie'

Curling a finger around one of the red strands that had escaped her simple braid, Eleanor dared not tear away her gaze from her sister's worried face. In truth she held the same doubts as she but would not let it show, would not let those thoughts pass her lips. Her sister was the Queen of England and Edward would announce her as so....soon....he would tell Warwick too! She was sure of it....so very very sure....

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