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~A Princess for York~

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~A Princess for York~

February 11th 1466, Westminster....

Eleanor stared with raised eyebrows at the miniature paintings of nobles and of her own siblings while her mother stood grinning beside her, making matches as if she had been born to do it.

The Countess had spent but a month at Leeds castle, returning to court at the end of December as she had wanted to be with, the now heavily pregnant, Elizabeth when she gave birth to the York Prince all in the land were praying for!

However, just because she had spent so little time at her new castle did not mean she had not had enough fun that she thought would last her an entire lifetime! The feasts had simply been endless and so had the dancing which seemed to reach into the early hours of the morning. At Leeds Castle, Eleanor was Queen, ruling over the servants that bowed and curtsied to her day and night, going to the greatest of limits to win her approval and affection. And she revelled in it!

Yet being treated as if she were true royalty was in fact not what she had found most amusing about her stay. Oh no. What she had simply loved was spying on Bella and George. She even had a piece of paper under her bed which tallied the times she had caught them together!

They would stroll through the gardens, slip away from dinners and all the while (without their knowledge) the thirteen year old would be following him, a knowing smile she had come to adopt on her face.

She did not know why she found their relationship so amusing and yet she did at the same time. She would laugh each time George would try to catch up with Bella into for him to take a tumble down the stairs or fall into a pile of horse dung in the stables (which Eleanor may or may not have orchestrated once), or how they would try to keep their growing affections for one another secret but in doing so made them every more obvious to every pair of eyes that fell upon them!

But what would make her roar with laughter the most was when she caught them completely unawares and genuinely by accident!

Remembering one particular time when Eleanor had accidentally burst in on the pair, she grinned to herself, her mother's words fading as her mind hurled her back. It had been a bright Sunday morning and Eleanor had just returned from chapel, her prayer book in her hand as her new resident priest and confessor pointed out the passages that she may find most useful.

Nodding her thanks, Eleanor had acknowledged his humble now with a nod before watching as the grey haired old man returned to his chamber before heading to the solar. Throwing open the door, bible still in hand, she had cried out loud as her eyes were immediately met with the scene of George with Bella on his lap, his hand under the skirt of her gown as she moaned softly into his neck, her golden hair free from its braid and tumbling down her back.

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