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~Katheryn and John~

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~Katheryn and John~

"All mine?" Little Eliza exclaimed in wonder as she gazed around the chamber that Eleanor had told her was to be hers.

"All yours" the Duchess confirmed with a fond smile, bending down to brush a stray piece of hair away from her niece's face. Eliza grinned before she turned and toddled merrily to the large bed, scrambling upwards and marvelling at the silken covers beneath her fingers.

It was a vast change from her convent life, that was for sure, and despite her confidence, Eliza had found herself shrinking back as she and her Aunt had approached the towering walls of Middleham that evening.

Now she looked up rather hesitantly as the door to her chamber was pushed open and two little girls a few years younger than she ran in, giggling at the tops of their voices. The little redhead in front of the pair all but dived for the bed, the only thing just saving Eliza from being tackled to her covers being Eleanor as she caught her eldest daughter around the waist.

The honey haired girl stopped running as she reached the Duchess' skirts, one of her small hands curling nervously around the fine wool of her red gown as she spotted the older child on the bed.

"Go see girl, mama!" Bess huffed impatiently, trying with all her one year old strength to wriggle from her Mother's firm grip so that she could get a better look at this newcomer in her home "Issy too!" She added, looking for support from her friend and frowning when Isabel stepped behind Eleanor's skirts, one of her waves of shyness overtaking her curiosity.

"All in good time sweeting" Eleanor cooed as she winked at Eliza, setting the girl a little more at ease. If her Aunt was happy with the fiery little one that was still struggling to gain her freedom, she supposed she could be too. Shuffling forward, she slipped down from the bed and sidled over to Eleanor, dipping down into a small curtsy, that made Bess giggle in pure delight, before she extended her hand.

"I'm Eliza" she said softly, momentarily worried that the redhead would reject her offer of friendship as she ignored the extended hand only to reach for her hair instead. Before she could step away, Bess had wrapped her little fist around a handful of Eliza's jet black hair and began to tug playfully on it.

"Like ravens!" She announced, looking behind at her mother proudly before her attention returned to the older girl in front "Liza raven!" She said happily, keeping her grip still firm as Eleanor finally lowered her to the ground.

"Eliza is your cousin" Eleanor explained "and I want you to love and care for her accordingly, Bess, so none of your teasing, sweeting?"
"No, no twe'sing Mama" Bess promised solemnly before she released Eliza's hair and grabbed Isabel's hand, bringing her forward, though she tried in vain to pull away "this be Issy"

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