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~Darling Boys and Marching Men~

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~Darling Boys and Marching Men~

Upon hearing that they were near Helmsley castle and then to be resting there, Eleanor had sent on a note.

'Hide the jewels' were the three words hastily scrawled on the scrap of paper she had found before sending a page racing ahead of the army. Helmsley was were Edward's two sons had been staying with the Grey brothers and if they were to avoid any shocks they would have to escape until the army had gone.

The Queen was relieved when they arrived, she was shown to her chambers and there was no sign of any of them. 'They are probably gone to one of the hunting lodges' she thought as she was readied for bed by Jane, after all there would be no place for them to hide in a castle teeming with servants and soldiers, each dark corner lit by a candle!

As Jane removed her armour, she let out a heavy sigh that her friend smiled at and stretched her arms and legs, finally unbound from the days ties. A nightgown of black silk was then fetched once the rest of her clothes had been discarded and slipped gently over her head; a sable bed robe placed over the top of it.

It had been a promise that Eleanor had made to herself within the first few hours of her grief that she would swear to wear black for the remainder of her days and she was determined to stick to it, even in sleep.

For how could she wear bright colours when the one who made her life bright was gone?

"Goodnight" she called softly as Jane curtsied to her and her friend nodded, sympathy swimming in her eyes before she turned and left; shutting the door with a click. Looking up at the stone ceiling, Eleanor sighed to herself.

Were he still alive, Richard would have come to her by now and they would be in each other's arms; both safe, both loved. Happy.
"You do not know what you have until it's gone" she whispered before a soft gurgle from the cradle by her bed made her look to it.

Walking over to the crib, Eleanor found the large blue eyes of her infant daughter staring up at her, tiny hands toying with her silk coverlet. Cooing softly, the babe was lifted into the caring arms of the Queen and rocked gently from side to side while she gurgled her contentment, snuggling into her Mother's chest.

"There, sweeting" Eleanor murmured as she nuzzled against the light dusting of soft red hair that covered her youngest child's head "you will always have me, mon amour"

"Hello, Aunt"

The Queen shot around in an instant, a shocked gasp escaping her lips as she came face to face with fourteen year old Edward who was stood behind her, a slight smile on his young face. Though it was a face of a boy now turning into a man's; one like his Father. His hair had grown, golden curls now reaching the shoulders of his doublet and his green eyes now told of knowledge of the world, of maturity.

"Edward...." that smile widened into a grin as his name was spoken and he bowed his head in greeting.

"Aunt" he greeted again. Surprisingly there was not a trace of anger or resentment in his voice nor in his face, it was open and welcoming as if he had been looking forward to see her! Eleanor momentarily wondered if it was an act but when she placed Katheryn back in her crib and opened her arms to him he came without hesitation, holding her tightly.

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