𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝐼𝑋

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~Lives to come~

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~Lives to come~

The Duchess of Gloucester sat beside the Queen's throne as her green eyes swept the hall that was alive with music and dancing. She had not spoken to her husband since the argument they had had three days before and now she did not see him within the large groups of brightly dressed courtiers. She was glad of that.

"Are you well?" She asked as she leant over to her sister who shook her head.
"Look who is coming towards us....and I don't think you shall be well either" Elizabeth replied sternly and Eleanor followed the Queen's gaze to see Lord Warwick striding towards the throne. She immediately rose from her seat, as did Tom and Rickon Grey.

"Your grace" the man greeted, bowing to the Queen before he turned to Eleanor who glared at him "and congratulations to you, your grace, as the new Duchess of Gloucester"

She gave him a clipped now before looking to Thomas as he stepped forward angrily, his fists clenched.
"You shouldn't even be here!" He cried but his mother put a hand out to stop him.
"Thomas" she scolded gently but her sister shook her head.

"Let the lad speak" she said through gritted teeth "for if he won't then I will"
"I'm only glad that he and his brother were not with their grandfather and uncle when they were butchered with your axe" Elizabeth murmured, trying her best to keep her anger in check as she glared at the man before her. He nodded in agreement, though the sarcasm in his expression was clear as it was in his voice.

"So am I, that would have been too awful for you"

Eleanor felt her hands curl into fists at his words, her rage rising with each second.
"How could you be so heartless?" She demanded, making a few people turn her way "you murdered my father and brother in cold blood, do you have no remorse?"

A harsh laugh left Warwick's throat and it was all Eleanor could do to to not reach out and strike him as she had done to his wife.
"I may be heartless" he said quietly, glaring at her "but you are naive, a far greater failing, wouldn't your agree?"

Unable to reply as her cheeks began to burn red with anger, the Duchess pushed past the Lord and stormed from the hall, the courtiers staring after her. She rushed through the palace as fast as her pride and composure would allow, but still she could not stop the tears that flooded to her eyes.

Warwick's words echoed in her ears, the images of her father and brother's heads stuck on spikes whirled around and around her mind, making her vision spin until she found she could stand no longer. Bile rose in her throat as she threw open the nearest window and leant out, vomiting right into the themes. Her chest heaved as she was sick, tears falling from her eyes until she felt someone gently grasp her hair, pulling it away from her face.

When she was finally finished, she stumbled back to find a strong arm encircling her waist and a soft handkerchief dabb at her lips. Looking up, Eleanor found herself staring into the eyes of her husband.

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