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~To Court, Once Again~

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~To Court, Once Again~

June 1475, Westminster....

"So send out commissions and muster your men, we will take France!"
Richard forced himself to smile as the royal court erupted into cheers at their King's announcement.

Edward stood beside him on the dais in the great hall, dressed in cloth of gold, crown on his head, looking as pleased as ever with himself as he basked in his subject's continued adoration.

George stood to on the other side of Edward, though moved as he spoke, placing his arms around his brothers shoulders.

"Three sons of York!" He boomed with a wide grin on his face, though Richard clearly grimaced, wanting nothing more than to shrug the cold hand of his elder brother from him.

There was to be another war, another uprooting of himself and his family from the North and that could all be traced back to the man who now had his arm around his shoulders. George had pushed and pushed over the past year for a French war and, much to Richard's dismay though not surprise, Edward had drank it all in as enthusiastically as a cat might lap up cream.

As soon as Christmas was over, the King had began to muster his army, had raised taxes beyond belief causing much dismay among the people. There had even been rumours of an uprising in the midlands during February!

Eleanor had been right.
England would have to win a victory such as Agincourt to quell the people's anger.

"And none shall divide us!"
Richard almost scoffed as George spoke again, catching the eye of the Queen and finding she shared his grin expression. For once they were in agreement, though the Duke did not linger on the cold, blonde woman he near hated and finally shrugged off his brother's hand, strolling from the dais as quick as his dignity would allow.

"I say, Dickon!" He stopped in his tracks as Edward called out, sighing heavily as he turned back towards the dais.
"Write to Leena, would you? Have her brought to court, I would have her with us on this!" Edward grinned, nodding to his little brother before his attention was diverted to George and Richard was free to make his escape once more.

He walked over to a table in the furthest corner of the great hall, lifting a silver goblet to fill it with wine only to place it down with a thud and an irritated sigh.

God how he wished Eleanor were there! She would know what to do (for he certainly did not) and she always seemed so capable of soothing situations between his brothers! Had she been present at court she may have been able to delay the war! Perhaps even postpone it indefinitely had she merely five minutes to speak to Edward without George hovering nearby like a lion watching its cub.

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