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~Return to Court~

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~Return to Court~

Three years later, June 1469, Leeds Castle....

The countess felt herself smile as she walked down the torchlit hallways of Leeds castle to where her own chambers waited, reading the letter from her sister which lay in her hands.

At 16, Eleanor now considered herself to be an independent adult and had stove to prove herself such. For instance, during Christmas of 1467, after she had turned 15, she had proclaimed to her kin and to the court that she was to reside at Leeds castle and once she had departed the January of 1468 she had not returned since.

For she had not wanted to.

At first she had felt rather homesick and considered returning to the court for she missed her sisters dearly, her brothers and parents too! She missed Edward's company, George's too; missed how they would both strive to make her laugh whenever her expression appeared to display even the slightest discontentment!

But as time moved on and the months finally turned into a year, Eleanor found that she relished each moment that she spent at Leeds castle. Here she was the Queen, she was the one who gave orders instead of taking them, she had a responsibility to the people that lived on her lands and a household of her own to run!

Here, in the county of Kent, she had a purpose, a chance to make a true change in the lives of others for the better and she swore to herself that she would prove a more than worthy candidate for the task!

And so she did.

She attended dinners with the local Lords to discuss how to improve the workings of the land and educated her mind with extensive reading upon the subjects which she needed to know. Sometimes her maids would find her asleep in the library during the early hours of the morning, her head atop an opened book which discussed the laws of the land or farm work.

Personally, they did not think a lady needed to know such things but they dared not to comment for not only had Eleanor had developed an extremely strong will (not that one wasn't already in her possession) and a rather quick temper at times, they loved her with all their hearts.

In fact she had won the hearts of all her servants and her people within months of her arrival! She was generous and caring, seeking to sooth their troubles and be a fair a mistress as any could ever boast!

Unlike other great Lords and Ladies, Eleanor would listen to their worries and troubles, would never dismiss any discontent that came into her hearing and by doing so she had earned not only the undying respect of those who knew her but also their loyalty and love which she treasured.

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