𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝐿𝑉𝐼𝐼

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~The Hunt~

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~The Hunt~

"There!" Eleanor pointed into the tall trees as a bird flew by. Richard immediately took up his bow, drawing back the string once he had collected an arrow and letting it fly, only to let out a frustrated huff when he missed.

"Another missed chance!" He sighed and Eleanor chuckled as he swung his quiver of arrows over his shoulder and they began to walk through the woods again, alert for any movement in the trees.
"Well you were the one that insisted we be at the back!" She laughed.

"That's because I prefer being at the back at court hunts!" Richard conceded "though I take it, you do not?" Eleanor shook her head, in truth not used to hunting on foot, let alone at the back.

She was more used to hunting deer or boars with a crossbow from the back of a horse that would take her where she commanded than trekking around the woods on the lookout for birds! And, it was true, she always took great pride in leading a hunting party, had also done so at Leeds Castle so retreating to the back had been a new experience, though not a disappointing one.

With the rest of the court ahead of them, she and Richard were free to wander along at their own place, affording them privacy to talk and to make sure that she did not overexert herself for the safety of their baby.

"It is true, I prefer to be at the front! Ready to take the kill" she replied with a smile "though I like the peace we have here, I shall not deny it!" Her confession made Richard smile and he linked their arms as they walked, looking at the cloudy sky above.

"We shall go hunting together in the North" he said and then it was Eleanor's turn to smile as she saw the expression on her husband's face, one he held whenever he talked of his home. It was a look of longing and an excitement that was almost childlike in nature but simply made her laugh and lean her head on his shoulder.

"Will we really? Together?" She asked, painting her another picture in her mind about what her life in the North of England would be like. Richard had already done a magnificent job at piecing together a form of heaven in his descriptions of his home and did so again as he nodded.

"Together" he confirmed, patting her hand "I know that the past year has been marred by war and grief, Eleanor, but when I take you and our child to Middleham then I want us to have a peace at last. A time when we shall finally be able to get to know one another!"

"Get to know one another?" Eleanor giggled "well I would say I know you rather well already since you have been sleeping naked in my bed since April of last year, Richard" he joined her laughter, slightly adjusting his grip on his bow before he shook his head.

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