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~The Storm~

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~The Storm~

March 1470....

Eleanor took a deep breath as she looked out over the river Thames, her hands clasped as she once again prayed for the completion of hers and her sister's curse. She had not spoken to George since December and felt guilty for even looking to him in her sadness for she had stayed in his rooms till late that night, telling him all of her fears and thoughts.

She knew that was a mistake for now he knew exactly how to destroy her and so the quicker the curse worked the quicker she could wash her hands of him.

Looking down at her belly she felt a small smile touch her lips as she ran a hand over the bump that showed through the layers of her gown. It was not as big as she expected though now she was seven months pregnant she found it rather made her ache when she stood for too long and so decided to sit down on the river bank.

The thoughts of her child quickly drew her to thoughts of her husband and she found herself admitting that since Christmas they had rather oddly been getting along with each other.

The morning after he had hit her, Richard had found Eleanor and given her the most profuse and genuine apology she had ever received, telling her that if he ever raised a hand to her again then she could strike his head from his body, terms she had quickly agreed to. Ever since then a time of peace had descended upon them. Eleanor found that they had not properly argued since Christmas and found she rather liked it that way. It was good for the baby.

"My Lady! My lady!" A voice called from behind and the Duchess turned to see Marie rushing towards her, a look of panic on her face.
"Qu'est-ce que c'est, Marie?" She called as she stood, finding that her Lady's native tongue sometimes served to calm her.

"There is a rebellion, your grace!" Marie replied as she curtsied, trying her hardest to catch her breath "a rebellion against the King"
"Another one?!" Eleanor cried, taking her friend's hand and all but dragging her back up to the palace "Lord I hope it ends quickly....for the sake of my baby"

Together the entered the castle and immediately had to backs against the walls as soldiers rushed through the corridors with weapons at the ready.
"It is as if we are under siege here" Marie muttered and Eleanor nodded before she ordered her Lady to go and find the Queen for more news.

With another curtsy, Marie left and the Duchess went to her husbands rooms where she found squires dashing in and out with daggers and bows, books and quills and Richard standing calmly in the middle of it all.

A small smile crossed his lips as Eleanor reached him, looking up at him with troubled eyes.
"What's going on?" She asked, leaning against a table "I hear of a rebellion! You must not go!"

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