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~The Crypt~

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~The Crypt~

November, Westminster Abbey....

The 18 year old Duchess stared down the hallway, that led to the rest of the abbey, through the small grate at the top of the crypt door. It was the first time in nearly a month that she had opened it and instantly felt herself longing to leave the confines of sanctuary.

With a reluctant sigh, she closed it again and gently brushed the front of her blue gown with her hands to smooth the imaginary creases that marred the heavy velvet. Holding up an arm she could see that one of the cuffs was beginning to fray a little and made a mental note to mend it the next day. For at least that was something that could occupy her time.

She had only brought six gowns with her into sanctuary (three of her own, three of Elizabeth's) and since they were different sizes, they had to make do and alternate the ones they had. It took a few weeks to get used to but the two found that they did not truly care. All they cared for was their survival and new, fancy gowns each day did not matter to them now.

And besides, the crypt was no place to house a royal wardrobe for there was dust and grime everywhere. Soot lay scattered on the ground from where small s fires had been made to cook food, though they were forced to put them out at night lest the flames set the makeshift beds (crafted from heavy furs gifted to them by a sympathetic priest) aflame.

During the beginning of their confinement, everyone had been eager to keep their spirits up, playing games and singing each day but as more and more news of Lancastrian victories and Warwick's rise in power once more filtered through to them, they could feel their hope beginning to wane.

And with the approaching birth of Elizabeth's child, more fear came too. If anything were to go wrong, there would be no midwife, no physician, both the baby and the Queen could die and Eleanor prayed nightly for the safety of her sister and the child.

"What are you doing?" Lizzie's voice asked from the darkness and Eleanor slowly stepped forward until the little girl came into view, her red hair a mess of curls around her shoulders that reminded the Duchess of her younger self.

"Wishing for salvation" she replied and picked her niece up from the ground "but why are you awake, little Liz? It is just gone past two I heard the church bells announce it!"

"I'm cold" Lizzie protested, pouting a little as she crossed her arms "Cece and Mary are keeping the covers of our bed all to themselves! There are none left for me!" Eleanor smiled and began to walk to where her bed of furs and blankets lay, shutting the gate to the crypt behind them and bolting it as they advanced into the area where all the inhabitants slept. As quietly as she could, the Duchess stepped over Tom, Rickon and Fortuna before setting Lizzie down on her own bed and slipping from her gown into her shift, hanging the dress on one of the iron bars (that surrounded a large tomb) with her other two.

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