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~Guilty and Proven Guilty~

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~Guilty and Proven Guilty~

Eleanor paced back and forth about her chambers, the thin linen of her nightgown fluttering around her ankles, trying to keep up with the pace of her slippered feet. Marie watched from the fire, slightly worried, for her Duchess had not spoken, nor ceased her pacing for over an hour now and she could see she was beginning to tire.

It had been but four days since she had given birth to her daughter, Isabella, yet she was up and about as if she had been brought down by a mere cold, not a night of pain! Both of her ladies were tempted to make her rest but each time they voiced their suggestion Eleanor would simply shake her head and continue pacing, not glancing up once.

Marie knew she was like this for today was the day of George's trial, where he would be brought forth from the Tower to face a jury of men and prosecutors led by his own two brothers and Anthony Woodville, recently returned from Wales.

Eleanor's mind had no doubt that he would be found guilty. After the night where he had thrown dangerous accusations around as if they were a tennis ball there was no reason why he would not be condemned in some way. That and she was sure that Elizabeth would be pouring her words of poison into Edward's ear at every turn.

Yet her heart said different. It told her that Edward would be merciful and that he would forgive his brother as he had done so many times before. This was what she prayed for at night. This was what she prayed for now as she finally halted her pacing and stared out of the window that overlooked the courtyard.

But as the hours of the day dragged on and no news of the trial was heard, she could feel her hope wavering. She had sent Anais out in search of news over an hour ago yet she had not returned! Where was she? Anna was known for being easily distracted but she would not disregard something as important as this!

"Where are you?" Eleanor muttered to herself before she looked down at the small bundle, wrapped in swaddling, that she held in her arms.

The bands contained her little four day old daughter, a small girl with pale skin and a flash of red hair that stuck up on her head that made her Father grin each time he saw her 'What is he doing now?' Her Mother wondered as she stared at Isabella's delicate features, her pale lashes and rosebud lips that puckered when she was hungry. Eleanor's foot tapped impatiently against the floor. If only there was news!

"I've come to the conclusion that you and Duke Richard breed like rabbits!" Anais' light voice filled the room and Eleanor spun around, wondering how long her friend had been leaning against the bed post as she was doing now; absentmindedly playing with the golden curls that had escaped her caul "in the past seven years you have born seven babes and I'll vager another one shall be along soon! Really, I sometimes believe you and he are addicted to bedding each other!"

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