𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑋𝐼𝐼𝐼

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~To France~

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~To France~

Two days. That was how long it had been since the argument between the Queen and the Duchess of Gloucester.

The news had spread like wildfire, each courtier recanting their own tale with a little more exuberance than the last to keep their listeners enthralled. Some said that the Queen had struck her sister, some said the Duchess had struck the Queen. Nothing was truly for certain apart from one thing.

Almost all had sided with the Eleanor. For the fact that she had stood up to the Queen if for nothing else for none knew the true story!

The murmurs of support for her had been quiet at first for most were afraid of the Queen's wrath, well aware of what she could do to those that were out of favour with her as the Duchess most certainly now was. But over the two days since the incident, the allies of Eleanor had grown and grown in number until it seemed the whole court were singing her praises!

Especially George.

He had been bouncing around the palace like an excited bunny!

The dislike for Elizabeth at court had always been a staunch truth between the nobles, so now that they had found one so powerful as a royal Duchess (and one of the 'Woodville brood' at that) they all seemed prepared to begin risking their positions a little more.

Neither the Queen nor the Duchess knew of this sudden shift in the court's loyalty for they had been shut in their rooms for the previous two days, each throughly shaken by their confrontation.

It was just past sunset as Eleanor settled herself by the evening fire in she and Richard's chambers, her fingers drumming on the silver goblet she held. Her husband sat beside her as she stared into the flames, his hand interlaced with her free one while he gently stroked her knuckles with his thumb.

They were to leave for France in the morning with the rest of the English army and the King and both were throughly glad of it. For not only did it mean escape from London it meant escape from Elizabeth. Upon her return to their chambers two days prior, they had not shared the loving reunion both longed for but Eleanor had merely fled into Richard's arms, her heart pounding and ears rushing with her sister's words.

She had confessed (almost) everything to him immediately and he had been surprised (though rather impressed) to hear of what had transpired but had agreed with her when she had admitted that she felt it had to be done. He had long since rather resented Eleanor's loyalty to her sister and was glad it was now broken.

The pair had talked into the small hours, agreeing that the sooner they were able to get away from Westminster the better. Court was not safe for them with a raging Elizabeth who may be seeking vengeance around every corner and they would certainly be out of favour for a time.

Eleanor suggested that she may be able to bring Edward to her side, knowing that he had always cared for her and with the French war they would be together most of the time. As long as Elizabeth hadn't been able to poison his mind by the time they set sail!

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