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~Bitches and Bastards~

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~Bitches and Bastards~

"And you, your grace? Vhere did you grow up?" Anais asked as she gently brushed Eleanor's hair a week later. The Duchess smiled for she had come to like Anais over the days she had known her, she was bright and energetic, certainly had a charming wit and sense of humour....she reminded Eleanor of her own sister Bella....

She found Marie pleasant to be with too. The young French woman was quieter than her fellow Lady and took joy in embroidery and looking after Fortuna, she was always composed, dignified and mature but also had a sense of humour that amused the other two.

"You must not ask Her Grace so many questions, ma petit" she now scolded gently from where she sat by a window, a piece of cloth in her hand as she stitched small flowers onto it.

Anais nodded, pushing the veil of her hennin behind her shoulders as she continued to brush Eleanor's hair before beginning to braid and twist it into one of the fashionable styles she had learnt.

"It is fine" the Duchess said with a smile "though I appreciate your council, Marie." Marie looked up from her work and nodded before returning to it "I grew up at my family home, Grafton Manor....and it was beautiful. I had all of my sisters and brothers beside me and we lived rather simply but happily"

"Then your sister became the Queen" Marie said quietly, quickly finding herself drawn to the conversation which made Eleanor smile as she nodded.

"Indeed" she replied "and I suppose all I had ever known was taken from me but in a rather good way! Then of course I was made Countess of Rutland after the Queen's Coronation....and that Christmas I departed for Leeds Castle! That was where I truly found who I am....there I was a leader! I had my own people!" Eleanor let out a small sigh and handed the last of the hairpins to Anais before she put a hand to her belly.

"You vill be fine, your grace" Anais said, gently covering the Duchess's hand with her own "and you shall have a healthy child....a little Duke or Duchess of your own!"

"Thank you, my dear" The Duchess replied before turning towards the door where Marie was taking a message from a page boy before sending him away with an elegant flourish of her hand.

"It if from the Duchess Cecily" she announced once she had torn open the message and frowned when she saw her lady freeze in her seat "is all well, your grace?" Eleanor nodded slightly and motioned for Marie to continue "she demands your presence in her chambers....immediately"

"Well well" The Duchess said, raising her eyebrows as Anais took her trembling hand, giving it a gentle squeeze "it looks like I am about to have my first true meeting with my mother in law...."

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