𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑉𝐼𝐼𝐼

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~Evil Intent~

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~Evil Intent~

December 1469, Westminster....

"They are coming here for Christmas" Jacquetta murmured sadly as she, Elizabeth and Eleanor watched the carriage that contained the Nevilles and George roll into the palace grounds.

"How can they have the nerve?" Eleanor hissed, glaring as Lord Warwick emerged before she left the window and stormed to the courtyard.

Thinking of rushing down the steps and slapping Warwick there and then she was only stopped by Richard who caught her arm. Unlike Edward, who had immediately strolled to his cousin and brother as they arrived, he had stayed at the top of the steps, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Eleanor could see that his face was grim as she yanked her arm back and glared at the people below.
"What are they doing here?" She demanded quietly "the only reason Warwick and George should be in London is to have their heads stuck on spikes"

"Calm yourself" Richard ordered "don't distress the babe"
"Distress the babe" Eleanor scoffed, folding her arms "we haven't spoken to each other in weeks and the first thing you tell me to do is to not distress the babe"

The Duke looked at her with a raised eyebrow before glancing back to the courtyard. It was true what she had said, they had not spoken to each other in weeks, now slept in different chambers, but neither of them seemed to mind that much, whenever they spoke it was merely polite 'good mornings' or some small disagreement either of them had with the other.

Eleanor huffed at his cold reaction and clasped a hand around her locket, narrowing her eyes as she saw George and the King embrace. Suddenly his dark eyes found her green ones and his expression became sad, almost remorseful but hers merely displayed hate "I will not deal with him" she sneered, looking to Richard before walking indoors.

The Duchess stormed to the Queen's chambers and picked up Fortuna immediately, hugging her to her.

"My husband is insufferable" she grumbled, taking a seat beside Elizabeth, who was on her throne, waiting for he Neville women who were to be brought to her "I swear he gets more so every time I see him! And he does not care for our babe apart from to tell me not to distress it!"

A small smiled tugged at the corners of the Queen's lips while her sister frowned, putting down her small hound before turning around to see her mother enter and stand by the throne.

"So we are to receive the Nevilles?" She murmured, trying to prevent her eyes from filling with tears as a firm knock came at the door and it opened, revealing Countess Warwick and her two daughters. Eleanor's eyes were immediately drawn to Isabel and they involuntary narrowed as she found herself gripping the arms of her chair tightly. She knew in her mind that she could not blame the eldest Neville sister, no matter how much she disliked her. It was most likely that she had been pressured into the marriage to George by her father and mother and besides, who would not want to marry a royal duke?

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