𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝐼

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April 1471, Sanctuary....

Eleanor woke with a start as Elizabeth shook her before clamping a hand over her mouth as she sat up, alarmed. The Queen put a trembling finger to her lips and wrapped a hand around her sister's arm, raising her from her makeshift bed while the Duchess looked around, bleary eyed until she heard the distant sounds of doors being forced open and the clanging of metal.

Nodding at the Queen, Eleanor wrapped a shawl around her shoulders before tip-toeing to the table and picking up the knife there while Elizabeth fetched her dagger.

She dashed to the door and yanked open the small window, her heart near jumping into her throat as she saw three hooded figures in full armour, heading towards the crypt. 'Lancaster!' Her mind screamed. Running back to Elizabeth, they tried in vain to yank the metal gate, that lead to their sleeping quarters, shut but it would not budge and the Duchess cursed under her breath, looking around at her nephews and nieces; finding tears fill her eyes at the mere idea of them being harmed.

"We have to get the children" she muttered "wake them up, put them in the little boat by the river steps and flee. Burgundy! Anywhere but here! I will hold these Lancastrians off as long as I can!"

Elizabeth fervently shook her head, taking her sister's hand.
"No" she commanded firmly, taking to pulling on the gate again while bangs suddenly came at the crypt door, surprisingly not awakening any of the children "no you are coming with me, you are my sister, Leena, and I will not leave you to die.... never shall I do that to you...."

"You must!" The Duchess's returned "if you want the heir to the throne to live then you must go and you must leave me! I will hear no argument. Not even from you!" She gave Elizabeth a small push towards her children, fear and anxiety clearly written on her face as the harsh bangs increased and the children began to stir "for our mother's sake, for England and Edward's sake if not for mine! Go!"

"And what will I say to Richard?!" Elizabeth demanded as she shook Rickon and Tom awake, pulling them roughly from the covers before throwing their jerkins at them "what will I say to him if you die?!"

"Tell him that I died for York and that is just how I would have it! Tell him to marry again and forget me or something along the lines of that! Dont you dare tell him I care for him or I will come back and haunt you! Now go Elizabeth before I push you and all of the children into that boat myself!"

"Children?!" Tom repeated indignantly, though he was clearly scared as he woke the Princesses.
"Oh, for once in your life, shut up Thomas!" Eleanor yelled as the family continued to try and gather themselves while she ran towards a stone pillar, pressing her back against it, knife held to her chest, thinking she would give her family more chance of escape if she had the element of surprise upon the enemy.

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