𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝐿𝐼𝑋

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~Only One~

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~Only One~

"We must get her out! And we must get her out tonight!" Eleanor muttered to herself as she paced back and forth across she and Richard's chambers, her fingers tapping impatiently at the sleeves of her gown.

"I agree" he said, tucking Bess' blankets around her soft, sleeping body before he kissed her on the forehead "but where shall she go?"

"Into sanctuary!" Eleanor replied, already reaching for a dark gown in one of her coffers. She had always had a plan for if things went awry with Anne, just as they had done now, but in truth she had not expected them to and now was hurrying to take action "I will take her to Westminster and she will remain in sanctuary until we have secured guardianship over her and her child"

"In sanctuary?" Richard repeated, alarm registering slightly on his face, though he tried to keep his voice low for the sake of their sleeping child "surely not in the crypt?"
"No! Not in the crypt!" The Duchess scoffed, lacing up the back of her gown "she will stay in the Bishop's quarters....and you, well, you will distract George if he's around!"

"While helping you!" He returned, reaching for his discarded doublet and quickly putting it on before he reached for his cloak. Eleanor looked at him in surprise and he arched an eyebrow "well you did not think you were going to break Anne out on your own, did you?"

She smiled, standing up on her toes slightly to kiss his cheek before walking over to where Bess lay in her crib and gently smoothing down the little tuff of red hair that was beginning to curl upon her head.

"I will fetch Anais" she murmured, her heart aching slightly as she gazed upon her babe for in going to Anne's aid she would be leaving her daughter for the first time since she had given birth to her. Ever since that moment she had never had Bess leave her sight, she was always close by and when she was not holding her it was usually Richard who was.

As if he knew her exact thoughts, Richard slipped an arm around her waist and gently took her hand, squeezing it.
"Bess will be here, happy and well when we return" he said softly "and Anais shall take the greatest care with her, you know she adores her"

Taking a shaky breath, Eleanor nodded, allowing for herself to be gently guided away from the crib and out into the almost deserted corridors of the palace. To her surprise, both Marie and Anais were already awaiting orders, stood with their hands clasped before they curtsied, bowing their heads.

"Little Elizabeth will not be alone for a moment" Marie reassured the Duchess as she headed into the chamber, quickly followed by Anais who smiled encouragingly, passing Richard a lighted lantern. It was all Eleanor could do not to run back to her child as she watched the door close behind her but she knew Anne needed her help and so forced herself to move forward.

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