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December 1483, Westminster....

"Richard!" Eleanor squealed as a snowball hit her shoulder, cold flecks of snow landing and melting on her face.

"Got you!" Richard called from where he had retreated to the other side of the courtyard at Middleham Castle. It was Eleanor's first Christmas at Middleham, the year of 1472 and Richard had done everything to ensure her comfort and happiness. He had every fire in the castle lit, cloaks lined with fur brought from the finest tailors in the country for her.

She giggled to herself as she remembered the night he had stumbled into their chambers, his arms full of furs.
"For you, my lady" he had announced, throwing them onto the bed and covering her from head to toe.

Grinning at the memory, Eleanor ducked as another snowball was hurled her way and she looked up in triumph as she dodged it, winking at Richard and sending him into peals of laughter. Gathering up her own snowball into her hands she ran across the courtyard, trying not to slip on the icy cobble stones and threw it.

She jumped up and down in joy as it hit Richard in the back of the head, making him exclaim in surprise while she laughed, a laugh that turned into a squeal as he spun around and began to chase her. Around and around the courtyard he they went, stumbling over piles of snow little Bess had built with the help of Jack and sliding over puddles of ice.

"Dickon!" Eleanor cried with a laugh as she finally slipped and grasped his hand, glad he had been about to catch her as she fell down and he did too with a shout of surprise.

"You little minx" he whispered in her ear as she quickly rolled over, so that she was lying on top of him, and kissed him fully on the mouth.
"I am a little minx" she laughed "your minx and glad to be so!" Richard grinned and pulled her back for another kiss that she smiled into.

"Let's go inside" he murmured as he stumbled to his feet and lifted her into his arms, letting her wrap her legs around his waist "You're shivering"
"Then you had better find a way to make me warm" she replied with a smirk and he arched an eyebrow.
"Oh I think I have a few ideas, sweetheart"

"And so, the former Duchess of Buckingham, now Lady Catherine Stafford has been brought to London" Eleanor looked up, her daydream broken as Robert Brackenbury spoke. It was Christmas Eve yet Richard's most trusted nobles and her were gathered in the council chamber, yet again discussing the rebellion.

But this was the first time he had heard of her sister!

"My sister?" She asked "what about her?" All eyes turned to her and Richard smiled a little, taking her hand.
"Have you not been listening?" He asked and she sighed, looking around all the men at the table with a small smile.

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