𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑉

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~Words of Parting~

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~Words of Parting~

That night, Eleanor tapped gently on the door of Richard's chamber and sucked in a breath as she heard him call for her to enter. She had slept in his chamber since he had returned, found that she liked him holding her tightly until she fell to sleep and adored waking up to him beside her.

But still, she was rather hesitant with her actions. Unsure sometimes about what to say to him, what to do, trying to remember his little changes in mood and what sparked them.

Now she watched him as she shut the chamber door behind her. His head was bent over a document, a quill in one of his hands while he played with a his ruby wedding ring in the other, automatically making her gently twist hers.

"You do know that you do not have to knock, sweetheart" he said softly as he looked up at her. "these are your rooms now too"

She stood in front of his desk, noticing that the dinner that had been sent for him lay untouched and that he had not bothered to shut the shutters on the windows that blew a cold breeze into the room.

"Do you want to freeze to death?" She replied, moving to shut and bolt them, drawing the heavy crimson curtains to prevent a draft.
"I did not think about that, to be true with you, Eleanor" he said with a small grin on his face as he watched her move back towards him "besides, I have the fire behind me!"

He gestured to the roaring flames a page had managed to spring up before placing down his quill and tilting his head a little "come here, sweetheart" he murmured, holding out a hand and his eyes wandering up and down her body, her figure outlined through the thin linen of her nightgown.

Sliding her hand into his, Eleanor blushed as he guided her to his lap, kissing her palm as she sat down, her chest rising and falling with excitement of the unknown.
"Is this right?" She whispered, arranging her gown "am I doing it right?"

Richard chuckled, pushing away a few stray curls from her neck before he lowered his lips to her soft skin and felt her shiver in delight. 
"Ned wants you to come with us" he said in between kisses "to hunt down the bad Queen"

"The Bad Queen?" She repeated, her eyes slowly closing as she slid a hand into the front of her husband's shirt and he nodded, his lips now brushing against her jaw.
"That is correct, sweetheart....he thinks that you may be of use to us, but he refuses to elaborate.... George and I are in the dark"

"As you always are about his plans" the Duchess replied, melting into him until he abruptly pulled away with a smirk, as if a great idea had suddenly sparked in his mind "what is it, Richard?" She asked, entangling her fingers in his hair before he moved forward in his chair a little, gently nipping her ear.

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