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~Heartbreak of Barnet~

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~Heartbreak of Barnet~

The Tower of London, 14th of April 1470....

"It was a York victory!" Anthony cried triumphantly as he strode through the door, a large smile on his face "Warwick is dead! Edward is almost secure on his throne once more!"

"Warwick is dead?" Elizabeth exclaimed before her eyes began to glisten with victory and she laughed, falling to her knees and crossing herself, though Eleanor knew that she was really thinking of Melusina instead of God "Warwick is dead!" She repeated with glee as she rose "he's dead, Leena, did you not hear!"

"I did!" Eleanor replied, giggling as her older sister hugged her tightly.
"Thank you!" She whispered "thank you ever so much....and what of George, brother? Is that traitor dead too?" Anthony shook his head and Elizabeth sighed, her spirits depleting a little as she touched the pendant Eleanor had returned to her "well" she said with a small shrug "not all of our magic is able to work at once"

"Magic?" Anthony repeated, raising an eyebrow as he threw his cloak onto a nearby chair "I do hope you two have not been dabbling in mother's arts!"

"You know we have!" The Queen replied "and why should we do any different!"
"We are the daughter's of Melusina" Eleanor continued, playing with the charm around her neck that she had retrieved from under the bedchamber pillow at the Abbey before she went to the Tower "it is our right to use our magic as we see fit. And using it to give two traitors what they deserve I think is justified!"

"Well said!" Elizabeth said with an approving nod before she began to beam again and clapped her hands in excitement "now, I am going to find my little Princesses! And my little Prince!"

As she swept from the room, her sister watched after her until she was gone before she allowed her bright smile to falter a little, approaching her brother.
"A-and John?" She asked quietly, making Anthony turn to her and raise an eyebrow in genuine confusion.

"John?" He repeated, frowning "John Neville, do you mean?" She clutched at the folds of blue silk that made her gown and nodded hesitantly, dreading the sympathetic expression that settled on his face, making her turn away as the truth began to weigh on her. For her brother's earnest look and dark eyes could only mean one thing.

"He's dead....isn't he?" She whispered, shaking her head before turning back around and peering up at her brother with her heart pounding in her ears "answer me, Anthony....is John dead"

Anthony nodded slowly, before he looked up as a stifled sob shook his little sister's shoulders and he pulled her gently into his arms, finding tears filling his eyes as she wept against his doublet. Eleanor clawed at the fabric beneath her fingers, shaking her head as the death of her friend whirled around and around in her head.

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