𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑉

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~My King, My Queen~

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~My King, My Queen~

August 1483, Westminster....

Her hair created a silky curtain of copper around them as she rode him, slowly, sensually; shuddering breaths escaping them both as he begged her to go faster.
"Hush, love" she crooned as he pleaded with her again, trailing a finger down the middle of his chest "let me enjoy you then you may have me any way you wish"

"Fuck, Eleanor" he breathed as her hand wandered across the muscles on his abdomen and she smiled as she felt them tense beneath her touch, coaxing a moan from him. 
"You look so nice beneath me" she murmured, bending her head to brush a kiss to his neck and smirking as he moaned again "but am I pleasing my King?"

A smile flitted across Richard's lips as his eyes closed and he nodded.
"You know you are" he said, wrapping a rope of red hair around his hand and revelling in its softness as Eleanor rolled her hips again.


"Do you ever still wish that we could go back? To when we were first married? Erase the year we spent at odds with one another?" Eleanor asked as she lay cuddled against Richard, his arm around her waist, fingers stroking the soft skin of her hip. He nodded.
"I do not think I have wished for anything more, though circumstances were not exactly in our favour were they?"

Eleanor sighed a little. He was right, circumstances hadn't been in their favour. They had been forced together in a time of war when they already resented one another and each of their families were in shreds.

"We were sixteen" she murmured thoughtfully "and while we thought ourselves so grown up, so worldly, so high above the children that played at our feet....we were still children ourselves" Richard slowly sat up, leaning against the headboard and letting Eleanor lay her head on his chest. They had been children. Just sixteen. But sixteen in a world where at that age they were considered adults even if they weren't.

"What do you think went wrong?" He asked and she raised her eyebrows, listing the things in her head that had gone wrong at the beginning of their union.

"Well...." she sighed at last, looking up into his face "you had Kate and I remember thinking that all the gold in Christendom would not convince me to like you!" Richard nodded "We never gave each other a chance" she murmured and be gently kissed her forehead as he shook his head in agreement.

"No, we never did. I don't think we wanted to at first!" Eleanor nodded at that "We acted like children would for children we were and had responsibilities placed on our shoulders that should not have been there yet they were"

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